Is low carbohydrate plan safe for type 2 diabetes on metformin I commenced a few days a go but Have been suffering from night sweats and have found ketones in urine is this normal
Low carbohydrate plan of eating - Diabetes & Hypert...
Low carbohydrate plan of eating
Hi joy12, welcome, dont know much about low carb diet, if your not comfortable with it then please go see your diabetic support team, they may be biased but if it is the regime you want to follow and you are keeping your bloods under control then it is their brief to support you
It is safe and is likely to (ultimately) put your diabetes into remission. However it is absolutely critical you discuss this with your doctor, because he will have to adjust your metformin dose (downwards). You also need to ensure that you are following the diet correctly - there is a very specific procedure for low-carb "adaptation" that must be followed precisely. Again, a knowledgeable doctor will be a great help. Go private if you have to: it'll be worth every penny.
What is your urine ketone measurement? I assume you have actually started the low-carb plan? Ketone excretion up to about 50mg/dL (5mmol/L) is normal during induction; it will tail off as your body starts to adapt: partly because it'll be excreting less acetoacetate (which is what test strips detect) and partly because it starts doing useful things with ketones instead of throwing them away.
The night sweats are probably caused by your metformin, ie., mild hypoglycemia.
You might be interested in joining the LCHF forum, if you haven't already:
hi there,
I could only echo what other post suggested, its best to consultant the expert before combining low fat with metformin. I am on low carb diet but i don’t take metformin as i have decided to manage my Type2 with the combination of low carb diet and lifestyle management.
Trust above helps
Hi joy12
Have you yet found 'The Low Blood Sugar Diet' by Dr Michael Mosley ?
There's a very large forum there to help you with this specifically.
The NHS now use his diet methods to get people off Type 2 diabetes! 1st unit is now in Cambridge-shire and having stunning success!
The book (about £6) on ebay comes with lots of info and advice/ guidence etc as well as all the recipies, menu plan and fitness information.
His wife Dr Clare Bailey has written a large recipe book to follow for further recipe ideas with a more basic info write up.
It was on TV recently showin all 16 candidates all dropped to pre-diabetic bar 1 who was 'still dropping'.