A reminder of the community guidelines - Diabetes & Hypert...

Diabetes & Hypertension Help Society

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A reminder of the community guidelines

13 Replies

Hello everyone,

It has been brought to my attention that there are many people on this site attempting to promote and sell products or services.

We absolutely do not want this site to be used for selling things, as the intention is for it to be a supportive environment to share information. However, HealthUnlocked runs hundreds of communities like this one, so it is very difficult to track everyone who is selling things.

We need your help. Please, use the "report" button for ANY content that goes against the community guidelines, written here: diabeteshelp.healthunlocked...

Using the report button is the best way to "flag" inappropriate content and get rid of it quickly.

If you find you are banned from using HealthUnlocked, you will know why - and this ban cannot be reversed.

We would REALLY appreciate your help on this!!

Thank you,

HealthUnlocked Team

13 Replies
kunda profile image

Agreed most of the bloggers want to turn this site to online store to sell their un proven medication

ringe profile image

It is true some people are misusing the site for their personal gains which should not be allowed to go on un checked. What i understand is that the purpose of this site is to share ideas which can be beneficial in fighting diabetes.

kasagga profile image

Good you have noticed it & stopped it in time, at first i thought it was meant for such & felt left out because i had nothing to advertise in that line!!!!!!!

ringe is entirely right, that is exactly what this site is for. so please, click the "Report" button next to anyone selling, promoting, pushing products or services. we want to do our best to keep this site a quality place to share information.

thank you all!

gicharu profile image

pls do something to help us .

mwenga profile image

It has been over due.

Makoko profile image

Thank you for the quick observation. As a new member, I was almost starting to believe that the site is no different from the spams I receive in my mail books. Please, kick all opportunists out for our better health!!

I'd like to ask you again to PLEASE use the report button. I cannot get rid of the spammers if you do not - click it and submit it, and i will be able get rid of them straightaway. (I have noticed you aren't taking this approach so far)

sambaye profile image

hello friend hi

muteve profile image

sure. am diabetic and was almost losing hope because of some misinfoermation posted on this site. thanks. looking forward for postive advice

Reason profile image

Thank you for that timely warning. It was beginning to look like an advertising web page for people with unproven remedies for for a disease which even health science does not really know the cause and cure for.

It makes a mockery of the people who suffer from the disease and gives a sense of hopelessness when in fact the spirit of the page is to give hope and encouragement.

This I hope will reduce the incidence of people trying to cash in on the unfortunate people with diabetes

GonzaJanie profile image

thanxs dear i will use it

segito profile image

yes we gt you,hopeful will bring p+ impact to us members!!

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