In 2016 i was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, shocked me into being careful with my diet and i succeeded to normalise my blood sugar levels. Since the autumn till now i have become careless, gained weight again , I’m thinking i could be back where i started, I’m here to learn how to normalise again and stay there through good diet and exercise
Self Discipline: In 2016 i was... - Diabetes & Hypert...
Self Discipline

Hello Sunny I can't believe that you have written the post that I have been wanting to since January. Exactly the same thing. Has happened to me.
Eating lots of sweets daily and weight gain . I think that after struggling with food choices for Diabetes and also being on Warfarin I just thought I have had enough,my head was in circles most day. I think that I thought just relax a little it won't kill you.
Now like you I can't seem to get back to healthy eating.....The soul is willing but the flesh is weak. Let me know if you find any helpful tips.xx
Hi cheriemaria, yes we just get fed up of always having to watch what we eat. I had a change in my life and my self discipline to eat healthy just left me. Trying summer clothes on has shocked me back into action . My intention is to have only healthy foods in my house and try to retrain the way i think about food. Hey its been winter easy to want. Comfort food lol lets forgive ourselves 😊
Hi Cherimaria, Yep, same here. Last year I lost 20 lbs through sheer self discipline. At some point last February I got so sick of constant deprivation and quickly put 10lbs back on. The food which had helped me lose the weight I just couldn't face again. I had grapefruit and bacon and eggs every morning which made me feel just fine and full until lunch - when I had grapefruit followed by a gourmet salad. Dinner was fantastic, steak or fish with lots of veggies (plus the grapefruit). Then suddenly I had "Had it"! I wanted chocolate, I wanted cocoa, I wanted fish and chips, I wanted spaghetti, I wanted some ice cream, I wanted oatmeal. I just couldn't stand it anymore. Fortunately I seem to have stabilized at plus 10 lbs and I promise myself one day I will do it again - but not yet.
They say it's not just a diet it's a change of lifestyle. There was nothing much wrong with my lifestyle to start with. Going on a diet, even though successful, was horrible. It took a whole bloody year, and it was horrible. Oh, and another down side, my skin fell into wrinkles! Fortunately I am getting over that some with my weight gain. I don't know what to suggest, I have no words of inspiration.
1Sunny1 ,
Have you considered Low Carb Healthy Fat Diet which helps control blood sugar and lose weight also?
I don’t know exactly what that is? I shall google or is there a link to that here. Thank you Praveen.
You will find lot of information on the net. Here is one basic introduction to LCHF
I agree Praveen55 LCHF is the way to go, I've been it for 3 months now and have both lost weight and significantly reduced my Blood Glucose to near normal levels,
Thank you praveen.i have been on that way of eating for five years.
I just fell of tha wagon. Finding it hard to climb back on.🤔😢🤔😢🤔
Okay Sunny...x