I take requip 2/3 x, sinemet 4 x, amantadine 3 x, and 2 clonazepan at bedtime. Most of my hallucinations are of people that have passed. It kind of scares me from time to time. It doesn't happen all the time maybe once or twice a week.
Does anyone have hallucinations from thei... - Cure Parkinson's
Does anyone have hallucinations from their PD meds.

My mother had problems with seeing ghost. She had her drugs changed and they went away. I have PD now and aware that this could happen to me also. So you should see about having your drugs changed when you see your doctor.
Yes you need a review of your medication, I believe clonazepam could be the problem with some people
My husband has been through this and now no problems for a long while but very scary when having to go through this. Good luck xx
I too had night terrors, I take Sinimet, Amantadine, Artane and Buspar for anxiety. Used to take Clonazepam til my neuro told me it is not a Pk drug. Feel better w/out it. Very hard for me to wean myself from it cuz it was very habit-forming.withdrawals were terrible for me but much better w/out it. Love to hear back about your progress. "Shake a leg " from Shakedaddy.
I have been having them from ropinirole was taking 18mg per day now just 6mg .they have stop't pd not as good .
yours EXPORT .
Yes. It is the drugs. Not all day, like LSD. Only couple of times a day. With me, shadows bring them on.
i keep seeing a shadowy female figure over my right shoulder. I have given her the identity of my estranged wife. i tried it because I got rid of her via the legal system in real life, so i thought that the identity of someone who was controllable in real life might make her controllable in the fantasy existence, and it works quite well. it normally takes a very short time, but just sometimes it can take about an hour or so on bad pd days. the important thing is to remember that it is a fantasy figure.
Sounds like you need a new combination of meds. I've experienced vivid violent dreams then had my meds changed. It seems to help. Still having dreams I act out but not as frequent.
I don't know if I have them from sinemet or from pd. My hallucinations are of rabbits, yes
rabbits. Pretty benign for me and somewhat enjoyable.
I had physical hallucinations with requip, along with 10 other horrible and sickening symptoms. Sinemet for PD , klonopin for sleep plus melatonin and valerian, I have vivid dreams but like allowercase above, I have made my dreams pleasant instead of scary. No hallucinations that I'm aware of.
Apparently many parkinsons medications are derived from the ergoline family of drugs and so is LSD .. I would love to hear from an expert explain the link between the two...
yes i had them and was talking to people that weren't there too much dopemine and other stuff. I cut bsck my amantadine down from 3x a day to just 1 a day it worked
yes i own a collie dog and at times i see a whole group of them.sometimes a group of children.
I had hallucinations before diagnosis and thought I was going nuts. I know another young onset PWP who also had hallucinations before diagnosis. I have only had them once since being on meds and that was when the neuro started me on neupro patch.
I do see what I believe to be ghosts. I am fully aware of the link between Parkinson's and hallucinations. I see people of ll types, ages, cultures etc. Never spoken to any, but some are as clear as day. I was diagnosed with PD in 2004. I have been having these encounters since I was 5 or thereabouts (1963)..so either I had early PD as a very young child, had a vivid imagination or have a gift of insight. I also see our dead cats from time to time. The only thing that might be drug induced, is the exotic or exaggerated insects I think I see. I try and keep an active and open mind re these things.
I have had hallucinations and I was told i t was probably one drug interacting with another. It was very scary . I saw whole famililes moving into my home and trying to take over. These hallucinations lasted for several weeks and followed a story line you wouldn't believe. I had two bouts of them and the worst part was that I knew they weren't real but they still kept recurring. My doctor said probably the interaction was between a painkiller (Lyrica) and my amantadine. I discontinued the Lyrica and they went away and haven't been back in a few years.
hallucinations are almost in my life each day and night. Since I did not have them pre
parkinson's i just think the hallucinations came along with parkinson's. ~~~Dennis
I thought hallucinations were just another PD symptom
Wow am I ever glad I don't have those symptoms. My heart goes out to you. I simply have the garden variety little running bugs in my peripheral occasionally.
Yes I do experience Hallucinations mostly in the evenings. I think part of the problem is my
medications. I begin to shake and legs jump fast after the med times. I see people, places
and things when I know they are not there,,,