How fast does PD progress?: Hi all I was... - Cure Parkinson's

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How fast does PD progress?

stanny7 profile image
24 Replies

Hi all I was diagnosed 2 years with YOPD (Age 35) it mainly affected my right hand extremely dystonic moved in to my right foot/walking and the last couple of weeks it feels like I am slowing down on my left arm... I have a slight tremor.

I take 4 x Stalevo per day at 4 hour intervals and if needed I can add 2 x Dispersable Madopar when I feel a slow down... The medication helps when I take it although it can take 15/1hr to get in my system and lasts 2 1/2 to 3 hrs... Is that normal?

Also how fast can PD progress like in my case move to the other side of the body? I know it differs in different people but what is other peoples experiences?


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stanny7 profile image
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24 Replies
MBAnderson profile image

I don't think anyone can give you an answer that is going to be very meaningful to you. Because as you said, everybody is so different. I was diagnosed in July 2011, and haven't taken any PD meds yet. I feel like that means I'm progressing pretty slowly. Everyone on this forum will probably tell you the same thing, get as much exercise as you can and start doing a lot of research. One of the other truths is, some meds will work for some people and not others just like some supplements will work for some people and not others.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to MBAnderson

Could you tell us your regimen that helps keep you from meds please?

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to TL500

Click on my picture. It's under my profile.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to MBAnderson


laglag profile image

I was 46 when diagnosed 14 yrs ago & still doing fairly well. I take 4 Sinemet, 2 Azilect & 2 Amantadine per day. Supplements: D3, krill oil, Protandim, and 2-3 Xocai chocolates & 2-3 tbls. of coconut oil per day. I go to a chiropractor once a month. Also, I've been doing Rock Steady Boxing 3 days per week for 11 yrs. which has helped a lot!

Keep fighting!


laglag profile image
laglag in reply to laglag

I also take Emergen C everyday for rigidity & pain that I had in my thighs & groin. Everyone is different, but coming to this website helps you to learn a lot about different things you can try & what is helping other PwP's and what is not.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to laglag

Does Emergen C help you with rigidity & pain? Thanks.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to TL500

It helped me & I believe there are several people on this website that have gotten some relieve from drinking it. I had severe pain in my thighs and groin area several

years ago & they were extremely stiff. They had been that way for 6 months or longer. A friend recommended it so I figured it couldn't hurt. So I started using one a day for about 3 weeks & all of a sudden I Got up out of my recliner & started marching around the house. My husband said, what are you doing? I said, I can get out of the chair easily & walk with no pain or stiffness! I also had a little bit of bursitis in my hip & it helped it also. Good luck & let me know if it works.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to laglag

Thanks. Does it have side effect?

Do you take B1 too?

At times I take a lot of supplements per day.

You seem to take alot of things too. Is it all everyday? would it effect the liver?


Spanner66 profile image

Hi had pd 20 years now still work 5 days a week as a site manaher the one thing I can tell you is to keep your brain as active as you can it's the only thing that works

Dudu28 profile image
Dudu28 in reply to Spanner66

Thank you for being positive.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to Spanner66

Are you on anything to help keep you so good please? Thanks.

snorre profile image

Sane1 profile image
Sane1 in reply to snorre

Interesting . Thanks for posting.

Dudu28 profile image
Dudu28 in reply to snorre

Thanks for posting

Parkiewife profile image

My husband has PD for 20+ years (young onset). Had DBS for dystonia about 13 years ago and still going strong. Progression is different! Don't give up! Hope you have a good neurologist and use a movement. Disorder clinic

jdc3 profile image

I've only been diagnosed 3 years, but I started losing my sense of smell (an early symptom) over 25 years ago. I still respond pretty well to Madopar & Comtan - knock on wood. Your drug timings match my own: about 1 hr for first affect - then lasts about2 or 2.5 hours.

Best of luck to all of us!

4000Nights profile image

I was diagnosed ~5 years ago and have had barely noticeable progression, it may just be I am fortunate (relative to others who have PD). it also may be because I take Azilect which my neurologist believed slowed progression. He seems to have been right. I would suggest you add Azilect.

Second, get into a very active / intensive exercise program. That is the best way to slow progression.

TL500 profile image
TL500 in reply to 4000Nights

John Pepper also mention this Azilect too.

jmtolani profile image

I also take Stalevo 75 MG-5 times a day with Azilect 1MG- in the morning. PD progression depends on you totally, you can slow it down by exercising, being pro active. I can't tell you enough how exercising such as dancing (Dance for PD) , Tai Chi , yogaor simply walking can do wonders.

kiko1580 profile image

I was diagnosed in feb. 2001. had minor symptoms by then. Took me 4-5 years to start feeling the desease, it change my social lifestyle, and work as a graphic designer

Jamielee1 profile image

Hey Trev I'd like to keep up w you. I'm 37. Diagnosed a little over a year ago. I think I've felt symptoms for about 2-3yrs now. I take the lowest amount of Azlilect and that's all as of now. My fine motor skills in my left hand were slowly going downhill and sometimes a tremor. It too, like you, is moving down my left side. My foot drags some and just this past week my husband notice (and me too) I had a little limp. This is so depressing for me. I live in Houston where the Hurricane and floods are and I haven't worked out in about a month so I'm thinking it aggravates my condition. Anyhoo, I'd love to chat and keep up with you.

stanny7 profile image
stanny7 in reply to Jamielee1

Hi there so yours started in your left hand and is going into your left foot?

That's nearly how mine started mine first started with my right hand I could grab things but couldn't release the muscle to drop things it progressed from there.

So yours is still one sided?

I am wondering why mine is starting to affect my other side mainly slowdown.

I am in the UK so see a consultant once every 6 months but she has referred me to a MDS clinic due to my age and could be put forward for clinical trials... I also see a PD nurse every 6 months and can ring her anytime.

stanny7 profile image
stanny7 in reply to stanny7

Forgot to add my first appointment is October with MDS.

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