What are the main factors that have improved with DBS?
How many DBS recipients did not have trem... - Cure Parkinson's
How many DBS recipients did not have tremors before surgery?

I have NOT had surgery but I was told that the one thing guaranteed to be fixed by DBS was the Tremor - I even watched U-Tube and there was a banjo player in Tennessee who had a Tremor (not Parkinson's) geting DBS with his banjo on his lap during surgery and when the electrodes were turned to a certain level, he burst into a bluegrass lick - fantastic example of DBS curing Tremor
I had DBS surgery April 2012, it was a long process then the day came for surgery---it wasn't easy but in the long run I got my life back. THE SHAKING stopped on the operating table, I felt the effect when the 1st feed was in place, the right arm relaxed and felt normal which it hadn't for 9 yrs.(Yes I was awake for surgery) The 2nd feed did not go as well, but I m not shaking. Yes I have medicine still but reduced. THE DBS did as it was designed to do-----stop my shaking, It is not a cure all and yes it takes up to 18 months I was told to get the program as needed for some people. Mine is doing great now I just had problems with medicine-- generic.I would never want to go back to the way I was!! EVER!! Hope this helps. Kadie
hi i am very interested in why you ask . i had a DBS since 2008
I was going to ask if any one had a DBS without tremars, who can switch them self off. what happens ?
yours EXPORT.
export.... I do not have tremors unless I am extremely stressed. An example is performing an emergency maneuver while driving or getting very angry. The tremors will go away in 15-20 minutes. I do have dystonia and bradykinesia as welll as dyskinesia as my dopamine wears off. I am not rigid nor do I freeze... yet.
I wonder what dbs will do for me. Hence I asked to see if others like me had success with dbs.
efferus you sound just like myself . My DBS which I had in 2008 got rid of all my abnormal movements that was 4 years ago . NOW THERE BACK .AS I CAN'T GET TO SEE ANYONE WHO KNOWS ANY THING ABOUT DBS its hard to say if it the DBS or me.
IF your like me all over. THEN I WOULD SAY GO FOR IT. You may only get 3 or 4 years .
yours EXPORT .
Are you saying that you did not have tremors before DBS?
THAT RITE NOR DO I HAVE THEM NOW. Why I wanted to know is I don't have them . I have gone down hill in less than one hour . I think its the DBS THE PD nurse thing it could be a infection.She said if she shows it working would I be happy. when she phone me . I am going to ask her to switch it off if I don't feel it going off or when it comes back on its the DBS.
yours EXPORT.
So sorry to here that you're having tough times. Bets of luck
Only some internal vibrations main symptoms were stiffness & slowness used to take 30 minutes to dress now 2-3 minutes. Am able to again shuffle & deal a deck of cards and many other small things i always took for granted. I experienced no pain even though semi awake. I would not hesitate.