has anyone one found a good way of improv... - Cure Parkinson's
has anyone one found a good way of improving posture?i get a lot of back pain because of my poor posture caused by PD.

What region of your back hurts? Does anything provoke or relieve it? Are you osteoporotic? Arthritic?
Its mainly the middle of my back both sides of the spine it can be very painful i also get lower back pain,i,v been told it more than likely my posture.
You might try lying face down on the bed and resting your elbows under your shoulders which lifts your upper body backwards. You could support your chin with your hands. It should never be painful. Google search prone on elbows or go to /google.com/search?q=prone+o...
etterus, I can't turn over to get to my stomach. I have neck pain and posture problems. My neck always manages to go forward and down and my shoulders are tight and I lean to the left. Any suggestions?
The weather here in AZ is warming up, thankfully. I don't think it did much good to cover the plants, we'll have to wait and see. I'm used to plants, trees and bushes blooming in the spring and going dormant in the fall (from Colorado 58 years). Not used to having to cover everything in your yard. LOL!!! Hope you have warmed up.
is it getting worse,and does it get better when you sit or lie down, and difficult to walk or stand up straight?
definetley getting worse,it eases when i lie down but it is difficult to stand up straight and its painful if i walk for more than 10/15 minutes or so.
Exercise, perhaps sit-ups, anything that properly exercises the back muscles. Although we move our backs quite a lot, we don't tend to really exercise the` back properly by normal movement
I suppose it would be best to seek proper tuition and advice before doing anything particularly strenuous.
i cant access my replies to my question about posture,dont know whats wrong any ideas anyone?
You should be getting an e-mail that you got a response. Check your junk mail and set your email settings so that healthunlocked is in your address book and not junk.
got it sorted,thanks guys.
I became a yoga teacher 2007 because of back pain. Doctors would XRAY and MRI me to no avail. They sent me to a pain specialist who gave me very painful injections in my back ( that did not help). All the time I would show them my right hand and asked why it shook. None of the orthopedics or pain doctors could help me so I fixed it myself. I attended a wonderful Yoga school in Austin, Texas. The teachers there actually helped me help myself by using Yoga Asanas (postures). I since have been diagnosed with Parkinsons and find that as long as I stay active, walking 2-4 miles a day and yoga practice, my pain is minimal and sometimes non-existent. The "style" of Yoga I suggest is called, "Viniyoga. Gary Kraftsow is the individual who helped me. Good Luck to all.
I've begun getting a massage a month and she helps with hints of things you can try at home. So far it's helping!
Use a wheeled walker with brake handles set high enough that require you to stand up completely straight, then walk as much as you can on level ground. Never use a walker that lets you walk bent over.
Thank for all the useful comments guys.i,ll get practising.
Had my first evaluation with PT today and was instructed on how to properly do some stretching exercises as well as how to get out of my bed without straining my lower back. I highly recommend going for PT evaluation if experiencing chronic back pain
thanks for the advice jb.