Hospital disaster! My husband has PD and ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Hospital disaster! My husband has PD and Alz. He had heart pain in the middle of the night, went to ER, had a heart attack, was admitted.

Retireat64 profile image
19 Replies

Terrible pain during surgery. Supposed to go home next day but dr never came in til late and said to stay another night. In the middle of the night,me awoke to go to the bathroom. Got back in bed, forgot to put up the rails and fell out of bed to the hard floor hitting his head and hurting his already bad back. Disorientated he just went back to bed. No one checked that room apparently that night. We the nurse came in early, he told her and she fussed at him and said he should have had the rail up. She called me and I told her about the disease and him acting out in his sleep occasionally. No X-ray, no dr came in. Nothing!!! He can not work and physically exercise like he did. The man in

The bed next to him said he heard it all. It woke him up. I called and spoke to everyone in charge, they assured me that they would change things and how sorry they were. Meanwhile 4 months later he suffers everyday with back pain! I've wondered about suing so it does not happen and to warn future patients.

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Retireat64 profile image
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19 Replies
12stargate profile image

Dear retired at 64

This reads like a horror story, and I am so very sorry you and your hubby have to go through this. I have however heard that suing somebody never brings anybody anything good.

I know you will know what to do and that it will be the right thing for you I wish you and your husband the very very best.

Love to you from Eva G


metacognito profile image
metacognito in reply to 12stargate

Hah! A law suit never "brings anybody anything good"??? Must have heard that from the side being sued ;P

Sometimes successful plaintiffs may justly hold the deadbeats accountable for their actions and put things like quack doctors, negligent service providers, irresponsible pharmaceutical companies, providers of faulty medical devices, etc, etc, rightfully out of business. More importantly, it may protect the next guy/gal who places their health and well-being in their hands...

12stargate profile image
12stargate in reply to metacognito

I stand corrected.

metacognito profile image
metacognito in reply to 12stargate

(No offense 12 stargate, I was just playing devil's advocate coming from one side of the equation. Under an overly lax system of litigation, there are of course those on the other side who sue for things that should fall into the 'personal accountability' category [like spilling hot McDonald's coffee on themselves] - nothing good should come to such plaintiffs... but it too often does).

Beckey profile image

How horrible --- and inexcusable. I would certainly file a claim. He is bearing the burden of their errors. Very few of these cases go to court; the hospital will settle with you for an agreed-upon sum. And when a mistake costs money, changes are more likely to be made.

FlicEden profile image

I wouldn't sue as I think it would add complications to your complicated difficult life , hospitals are sometimes so busy and staff overworked its great that they are free for us in the uk What a nightmare I hope you have some good times too best wishes.

annmariebaird profile image
annmariebaird in reply to FlicEden

You have to stand up to these bullies! Hire a lawyer that will do it for the money on the other end and let the lawyer do the work.. You don't have to put up with this!!

Retireat64 profile image
Retireat64 in reply to annmariebaird

Thank you

Hi Retireat64........Where do you live? I believe that here in Canada it is really unusual that someone who had a heart attack and the complications of PD and Alzheimer's would be in a hospital bed that he could get out of at all without needing to call for help. Were they not aware of his situation for some reason?

I don't understand this at all.

Retireat64 profile image
Retireat64 in reply to

They knew about PD and Alz diag. They had taken out IVs and drip. He had been going to the bathroom by himself. I don't know for sure but either they left down or he let it down which I don't think he could do from the bed. its no about the money except that he needsmxrays and treatment probably which is their fault. It's about,it not happening to anyone else. Better training.

Retireat64 profile image

Bradenton fl they had the rails up but he pit them down. But consider what he has and what he had done and in a different location and disoriented. Someone spoils at least heard him or checked on him.

beauxreflets profile image

I hope he gets some Massage based physiotherapy.

Robbo1 profile image

My father was misdiagnosed in the middle of a Friday night by a tired, junior doctor and the diagnosis was not checked by a more experienced one afterwards. Instead of treating cancer, they treated it as stones resulting in much pain and death. My husband , who was well then, sued , but settled out of court. It was not a great sum, but it helped my mother and, more importantly, it made them change the procedure of diagnosis, hopefully helping others in the same position. I used to be against suing, but not now.

himarca profile image

Something like this happens all to often when patient with PD must interact with the regular medical. Community. But they don't understand PD and what it does to you. A patient must be more closely watched and monitered. But when a regular ward has 7 patients to one nurse it is impossible to give the patient proper care.

I say this out of personal experience. Now when I must stay in a hospital my support team is there to witness and if needful educate...

But to sue is a very messy business as much of a nightmare as the original incidence. I am not saying don't do it. But. Make sure you are have my smpathy and support. Good luck.!

JohnPepper profile image

Hi Retireat64. What a terrible thing to happen. How would he have been able to lift rhe rail up anyway? Where do you live?


Retireat64 profile image
Retireat64 in reply to JohnPepper

Bradenton, fl

Retireat64 profile image
Retireat64 in reply to JohnPepper


Donzim profile image

Welcome to obamacare. The whole medical scene has changed. Whatever you think you cannot leave a PD or ALZ patient in the hospital at night without being must sleep there too. Most nurses and docs too know virtually nothing about how to take care of ALZ or PD PATIENTS. This is so pervasive that parkinsons foundation has a free kit if directions, stickers, cards, etc to hand out to hospital staff.

On top of that , You probably had a hospitalist in charge at the hospital who was trained in Belize at $7000/yr tuition. He will be rented to the hospital by a hospitalist company. You might not see the same one twice. Some are good but a lot of docs don't even consider them real doctors. Your private doc will be busy for 1 1/2-2 hrs every day filling out paperwork instead of treating patients.

Forget any lawsuit if you expect justice. It will eat you alive. Your whole life will be lawsuit and it sounds as if you already have your whole life filled caring for your husband. You can write them a nasty letter, even better get an attorney to do it demanding treatment as a result of their neglect. You already admitted he had a pre-existing back problem so it will be hard to prove it came from the hospital fall. Did they know he had ALZ? They are afraid of lawsuits so the mere threat may get you treatment.

Why did he have surgery for a heart attack? A stent? It must have been a rather simple procedure to be scheduled for release the next day.

Retireat64 profile image

Husband had a lot of heart pain late at night, went to ER. He had a heart attack! Cardiologist called him, stent put in next day. They admitted him from ER. Y

They knew a noted Alz and PD on his charts and I explained to every doctor, nurse or anyone that came in the room. I spent the entire days into the evening w him. It is a simple procedure, had one a couple of years ago. I think they kept him an extra day just because the card dr did not get in I time to get him released with paperwork etc. more money for hospital, my opinion. Yes, couple of back surgeries and a lot of pain and on pain patch. Just makes me furious that falling out of bed can happen. I'd have gladly stayed overnights. My husband is very functional and raised his concerns he had. His IV was out and he had been going to the bathroom alone. OBAMA cares is the worst thing that's ever happened in health care. My opinion!

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