I googled "isolated soy protein and Parkinson's" and discovered research linking the two. I consumed large quantities of Spiritein Protein Shakes, which I made with soy milk. I also ate large amounts of Tofu. In addition, I ate the soy Zone bars.According to Barry Sears (Zone Diet) the Soy Zone Diet was the optimal zone diet! I loved soy! I'm wondering now, in light of the research, whether soy protein isolate is a causative dietary factor. Please share your thoughts/experiences regarding soy consumption.
Has anyone else considered isolated soy... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone else considered isolated soy protein as a potential catalyst for PD? I consumed large quantities of this in soy energy shakes.

If your on Sinemet protein blocks the levodopa from crossing the blood brain barrier.
Your point is that isolated soy protein is causative for PD, and there may be something to that because of the effect it has on the intestines.
I also tried google but cant find any research that suggests a negative effect of soy, in fact quite the opposite. Have you any references to the problem you refer?
Hikoi, the research referenced in my initial inquiry is to "isolated soy protein", not soy, per se. Please refer to the following: google.com/#q=isolated+soy+....
I hope this clarification is informative.
hello soy,
i can't say that i know the difference between one type of soy and another. please explain. i had something which had soy it it and did not feel to well. and another time , as i love pressed duck, for my birthday and went to a chinese restaurant. but i was concerned with the soy, knowing they use soy in place of salt. . it was fantastic, but had no ill effects from it. thank goodness . which seems to be that soy comes in two different types.
any idea what would be the difference. and how it affects PD people?/
thanks, judam 9.
Unfortunately 2links were just to google search engine. The third one was on leucine rich foods. Is soy protein in that category?
Google "isolated soy protein and Parkinson's" ---that should give you some further sources!
Hope this helps!
how would you know what type they are serving . get sick with one and not the other?
I saw a documentary on TV which said soy shrinks your brain and people who eat a lot of it normally supplemented it with animal protein and green vegetables which offset this effect.