Has anyone experienced the "dry heaves" a... - Cure Parkinson's

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Has anyone experienced the "dry heaves" as a side effect. I take sinemet and azilect for my PD

fwreck profile image
14 Replies
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14 Replies
soup profile image

Have you only just started with sinemet or has this been going on a while?

The advice we had was to eat with the dose, but not a meal heavy in proteins, more carbohydrates. Then there was medication that settles the stomach called domperidone which, luckily, my husband didn't have to use. Lemon and ginger tea works well for some people too.

If this is a new med things usually settle down after a while.

Adele_D profile image

Yes, and you have my sympathy. I also take Azilect and Sinimet. I was miserable for almost 6 months until I was able to speak with a nurse who specializes in PD meds at a conference in Vancouver for the newly diagnosed. Domperidone solved it for me and I took it for about a year...before weaning myself off. I do have to eat before my meds, something with carbs as "soup" says. In the morning, a few figs or dates, then my meds, and a half an hour later my porridge (winter) or smoothie ( summer). I have a mid-morning snack so my stomach is not empty for my noon meds. The same in the afternoon for my 4 pm dose and I try to get quality protein at dinner as it usually falls right in the middle of my 4 and 8 pm meds. I sound very organized. This is the plan, not always the reality.:) Good luck!

Susie01 profile image

I too had nausea and vomiting for the first four months after adding Sinemet to Azilect. It was horrible, only good part was the weight loss! I now take it with a light meal as the others have recommended and have only vomited twice since doing this. Hope this helps!

PatV profile image

no only with agonists. Try crystal ginger for nausea. Works like a charm!

quirkyme profile image

just a reminder that marijuana can be useful for nausea, much better than some of the standard anti-nausea meds. I don't mean smoke it but in oil that you take a small amount of. You can get it that way in some areas of the world. I'm not pushing pot and never smoked or took it, just going on my experience working with people with pain and nausea in a healthcare setting.

JohnPepper profile image

I'm horrified reading all these accounts. I am not a doctor, I have had Pd for fifty years. I was only diagnosed in 1992 and only took Eldepryl, which is a similar type of medication to Azilect.

There are several important things I have learned over the years:

If the meds you take do not have a positive effect on your Pd, STOP TAKING THEM!

If you have unacceptable side effects, STOP TAKING THEM! Try something else!

If you take any medication containing levodopa, you must not eat any protein within one hour, before or after taking the medication. This is not because it harms you! It is because the protein absorbs the levodopa in the gut and the levodopa does not get to the brain, where it is needed. So you are taking expensive medication and it does not get to your brain, where it is needed. So it is not doing you any good. Find out what food contains protein and stop eating it close to the time you take your meds. Don't tell yourself that you have no ptions. You do!

Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor and insist on getting the right medication that works for you.

The side effects of taking most forms of Pd medication can be far worse than the Pd, so would it not be better to not take medication?

Only medications of the same type as Azilect have any possible positive effect on the progression of Pd.

All the other medications have no positive effect on the progression of Pd.

So, your Pd will take just as long to get to the point where you are unable to move, as it would if you didn't take medication at all.

Exercise is the only thing that I know of that has been proven to positively effect the progression of Pd.

I have had the personal experience of taking Eldepryl (an MAO-b inhibitor) for ten years, while doing regular energetic walking, three times a week and managing my stress levels, and then being able to stop taking any more medication after 2003. Yes! I no longer take any Pd medication. Do you know anybody else whe no longer takes Pd medication?

Do you know anybody else who only takes Azilect or Eldepryl or Parkilyne, and walks hard for one hour, three times a week and has got rid of all harmful stress and has been able to come off all Pd medication after ten years?

Think about it! Are you getting the best advice on how to live with Pd?

This is strong talk and it asks questions that need to be asked. It is our life that we are talking about and we deserve to be told how best to treat our Pd.


fwreck profile image
fwreck in reply to JohnPepper

Thanks to all who have responded to my question. You all and especially John have given me great advice from the heart. This website is very helpful

elamichalska profile image
elamichalska in reply to JohnPepper

Piszę po raz pierwszy, bo dopiero dzisiaj znalazłam te strone,jestem Polka, mam 51 lat , biorę sinemet + nakom c o 2,5 godz,stan zdrowia pogarsza mi się bardzo szybko.lekarz przepisał mi AZILEC, jest bardzo drogi w Polsce.Proszę o opini na temat tego leku i wogule o wskazówki - jestem załamana stanem mojego zdrowia, tak , że myślę ,że nie dożyję następnych świąt.


Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to elamichalska

Ela, i put this through the translator, i hope it is accurate enough.

"I am writing for the first time, because only today I found this page, I am a Pole, I have 51 years, I take sinemet + Nakom every 2.5 hours, my health is deteriorating rapidly. doctor prescribed me AZILEC, is very expensive in Poland. Please what is your opinion about this drug and would like your direction- I'm depressed about my state of health, so that I did not live to see the next Christmas."


fwreck profile image
fwreck in reply to Hikoi

Azilect is a very helpful drug in treating Parkinson's

It helps by making the sine met more effective

elamichalska profile image
elamichalska in reply to elamichalska

am writing for the first time, because only today I found this page, I am a Pole, I have 51 years, I take sinemet + Nakom every 2.5 hours, my health is deteriorating rapidly. doctor prescribed me AZILEC, is very expensive in Poland. Please what is your opinion about this drug and would like your direction- I'm depressed about my state of health, so that I did not live to see the next Christmas."


Pete-1 profile image

Please, what are dry heaves?

fwreck profile image
fwreck in reply to Pete-1

Your muscles act as if you are vomiting but nothing comes up

Not what you're looking for?

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