I have been told that while taking Azilect you cannot take any kind of cold meds. Any suggestions on what I can do or what I can take to get some relief?
I have came down with a horrible cold or ... - Cure Parkinson's
I have came down with a horrible cold or the flu. I am currently taking Azilect and cdopa/cdopa 6x a day.

a hot toddie will do it - do you want the oriignal Scottish recipe?
I agree with the hot toddie, as a nurse. And lots of fluids, drink and pee and drink and pee. Gatorade. Keep hydrated. The flu shot tHis year didn't hit the most common strain, so lots of people who got the flu shot are getting the flu. If it is early enough, your pop may be able to give you an antiviral to lesson the severity and the duration of the flu. Take care!
PCP as in primary care provider, dang auto correct. Unless your pop is a pCP?
PCP as in primary care provider, dang auto correct. Unless your pop is a pCP?
Hey there,
go talk to the pharmasict they can give you someting OTC. Cordicin HD (i think) is for people with high BP. Its usually on the bottom shelf. My mom with High BP takes it sometimes. Oh a good hot cureall drink never hurt either. Happy New Year!
I take cayenne pills and garlic as soon as I feel anything coming. I make my own capusels for the spasms cramp things in my ankles. You can but or make your own or buy at wal mart/ I usually make my own. Here is a links that may help you
Also this is what I use alot
Did you know that a teaspoon of honey (raw is best) and a 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon will usually knock out a cold within a day or two? Take twice a day for 3 days for best results
This is the recipe i have used
Good Food Matters
¼ tsp Cayenne
¼ tsp Ginger (dried)
1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar (an organic one, like Bragg’s, is preferred.)
2 Tbsp Water
1 Tbsp Honey (use a locally produced raw honey, if possible.)
Dissolve cayenne and ginger in cider vinegar and water. Add honey and shake well. Take 1 Tbsp as needed for cough. It isn't going to be perfectly dissolved so you need to shake it every time before you use it.
In the patient information leaflet that you will find in every box of Rasagiline Medicines that may interact and so should not be taken together with Rasigiline are:-
• fluoxetine (Prozac)
• fluvoxamine
• pethidine
and St. Johns Wort.
As always any concerns should be discussed with your GP / Neurologist etc.
The following link is for a PDF copy of the Patient Information Leaflet.
In conclusion you should be ok with cold / flu medicines as those on the list above of possible interacting drugs are not cold / flu medicines. Please read the information leaflet yourself to check this, just in case there is a sentence I missed giving an overall statement about interactions with cold / flu medicines.
. The boogeyman in cough cold preparations are the sympathomimetic drugs which dry up the secretions eg pseudo ephedrine and phenylepherine and several others found in oral medications as well as eyedrops and nose drops. These can cause a huge and sudden increase in blood pressure with disastrous results. Cough remedies containing dextromethorphan are also no-no's.this causes another terrible problem, serotonin toxicity. Prescription medication such as tramadol, pethidine and methadone are also to be avoided for similar reasons.So what can you take? I think you have to stick to home-type remedies such as honey, lemon, steam inhalations, garlic should be OK.
Azilect has worked wonders for me, but as an MAOI it is clearly contraindicated for use with any medications containing dextromethorphan as a cough suppressant or guaifenesin, which is the only expectorant approved in the U.S., so look for it on the label if you're looking for an OTC helper. The pharmacist and I spent 20 minutes reading every box in the section to learn that each of the medicines contained one or both of the forbidden ingredients. She said she wanted to make sure that the warnings were consistent, and indeed they were.
Ultimately, I decided on a homeopathic syrup I found at another pharmacy, and I have been pleased with the results. For me, it is more important to use the gift of Azilect wisely, because of the quality of life I have with it, than to experiment with something that may bring short-term comfort. I understand that the approvals and regulations vary amongst countries, and there may be better choices where you are.
I hope for the best of health possible for us all in the coming year!
The cold med you are not supposed to take with Azilect / rasagiline is dextromethorphan. Here is the detailed reasoning:
"Potential Adverse Outcomes
Serotonin syndrome.
Several drugs are listed in the product information as contraindicated with rasagiline due to the risk of serotonin syndrome. Meperidine is contraindicated primarily because it has resulted in severe and fatal interactions with MAO-A inhibitors and in at least 1 case with selegiline. Other drugs listed as contraindicated with rasagiline based on similar *theoretical* considerations include tramadol, methadone, propoxyphene, dextromethorphan, St. John’s wort, mirtazapine, and cyclobenzaprine. Although there is little evidence to suggest these combinations are actually dangerous [because Azilect is an MAO-B inhibitor], the potential adverse outcomes are so severe that the “contraindication” designation is probably appropriate."
You are probably used to just treating a little bout of the flu by yourself, toughing it out?
No sense bothering the doctor huh?
But now you have PD and things are different now, eventually , hopefully a long time from now, those of us with PD will probably die of Pneumonia. ( no one officially dies from PD)
We can't move around as much and clear the lungs you see.
So maybe you should get a pneumonia shot and get your doctors advise on medication.
Just noticed the date of post. I wonder how she made out?
Things change. Nothing against those home remedies, they are all good but now you need to get serious about looking after you.