Has anyone who takes reprinerole noticed ... - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone who takes reprinerole noticed whether their sticking and walking have improved?
You bet i call it my walking pills!
Its hard to remember I've taken it for so long but i want to say a week maybe not that long
I take the extended release 12 mg one in morning one at night have u tried them or thinking about it
I'm taking Spiroco xl (roprinirole) 2mgs 3 times a day. I've been taking them for 6 weeks but I'm still sticking. I also take madopar 3 times a day.
When I was first diagnosed I took roprinirole and it improved my walking. Then I came off it and went onto madopar and amantadine for some time but now I'm off of
amantadine. I suppose it's a case of trial and error!
You said so much there it is trial and error and that gets old when i was just in hospital they gave me plain senimet not my stalevo i was so drugged up but i didnt have the jerky motion. Hell who knows im always trying come up with a better plan the way i see it is im with my neuro thirty minutes and me all the time so i try to stay on top of medicine and new stuff tm lucky he listens to me