Has anyone tried tumeric for their pd? - Cure Parkinson's
Has anyone tried tumeric for their pd?

My wife takes Turmeric, along with Vitamins E, D & C, Flaxseed Oil, CoEnzyme Q10 and a Probiotic capsule. We have absolutely no idea if any of these supplements has any beneficial effect, but she continues to take them just in case they are helping. I suspect the main benefit goes to the supplier of all this very expensive stuff, so I guess it all comes down to whether or not one can afford to indulge in a costly exercise of taking lots of supplementary medication, for which there is no evidence of any real therapeutic benefit. If my wife misses a dose of the Half Sinamet CR, as she did one morning this week, when she took a Paracetamol at 6.00am, thinking it was her real medication, she found it very hard to function all morning, until she took her lunchtime dose of Sinamet. Sh did not realise her mistake until early evening, when she found the strip of Paracetamol and realised her error. If she either missses her supplements altogether, which she has done occasionally, for good reasons, or if she takes them later than normal in the day, there is no perceivable difference in her state.
Maybe the opinion of one of her consultants will help you. He said that he takes some of these supplements, particularly CoEnzyme Q10, on the basis they might help, without doing any harm.
I have tried using some of the best organic turmeric available, unfortunately, without any noticeable befit - but then again, what we know for sure is that we all react differently to various medications and/or remedies and supplements. My motto is simply "if it is not too expensive give it a go and see what happens!"
Good luck
I try to include turmeric in as much of my cooking as I can, just in case it helps. There is no immediate perceivable benefit, but it's not expensive, and there seems to be evidence that it is good for general health (not necessarily PD). It makes me feel like I'm doing something positive, so it gives me hope, which is a wonderful feeling. From what I have read, the benefits are better if used in cooking, and in conjunction with a small amount of black pepper if possible. Curcumin (scientists theorise that curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that gives the benefits) capsules or tablets don't seem to have the same health benefits, according to what I've read.
I take it. It works, but the effect is mild and not long lasting. I have more luck when its combined with piperine (black pepper) . I think the key is that it increases glutathione. Another good supplement is whey protein isolate or concentrate. This skyrockets glutathione, especially the brand Immunocal Platinum.
What changes do you notice that lead you to say it is working for you bass. I took it a while but never noticed anything.
Hi how much of immunocal platinum do you take per day pls?
I was taking 2 per day. It is expensive and I now use grass fed cold processed whey protein isolate (the main ingredient in Immunocal) plus a 1/4 tsp of Creatine (also an ingredient in Immunocal platinum). Much cheaper and does the same job! Now 6 months into this daily and its like night and day as far as fatigue and energy goes.
At least 30 grams of whey protein isolate/day.
Ive noticed more energy, less fatigue, less muscle spasms, steadier hands, and less pain. Probably should take 3 per day, spread out the doses.
I am a convert to turmeric. I actually find it very tasty, combined with pepper, dates and herbs in a product called golden milk. I found it at a Whole Foods here in the US and it is available online. I had to get over my reservations about spicy food for breakfast. I now put a mixture of golden milk, almond milk and a bit of coconut oil over oatmeal. Delicious! More importantly, it has reduced stiffness and dystonia.
Hi. I'm taking Turmaric for pain, I can't say if they help as I'm also taking medication from my doctor.