It's been 10 years since I was diagnosed - at the age of 58. I had been taking 2 sinemets (100/25) 3 x a day, and had been considering increasing the dosage to 4x a day - to make it a total of 8 sinemets a day - because, I felt that the sinemet was starting to last only 3.5 hrs. between doses instead of 4 hrs. It was also starting to cause problems and I also worried about this gold-standard drug not working any more as the years go by. My husband and I also decided to retire outside of the US - where we can make our own decisions about how we wanted to live and die, as we got older. It's our own long term health plan, so to speak.
i decided to try mucuna pruriens which I get imported from Zandopa - a co. in India. The shipment came and I started taking it about 3 months ago. I scoop of 7.5 mg of this powder took the place of my 2 sinemets. It started working from day 1. I now take only 1/2 a sinemet 3 times a day with the mucuna pruriens. So, I now take only 1 1/2 sinemet all day long!! I am absolutely shocked at how well it works. I continue with 1/2 sinemet, thinking that the carbidopa might help carry the powder thru the blood brain barrier easier. I may not need it and will try stopping sinemet all together one of these days. The neurologist had wanted me to try Neupro - but it didn't let me get off the Sinemet. This powder did - at a fraction of the cost of Neupro patches!
I also have started making marijuana tea before going to bed. This has helped w/ my muscle cramps in my left leg and left arm and helps me relax and fall asleep and keeps me from waking up. Needless to say, I am a very happy camper and wish that I had started this regimen of natural products from the onset. It would have protected me from getting worse starting 10 years ago. However, I feel that I am actually getting better each day - something they never tell you would happen as they insist it's a degenerative disease, with no cure in sight despite spending millions of dollars. I have more energy, no more on and off periods, and the powder takes effect in 15 minutes and I can take it with food!!!
I really wanted people out there to know what I have discovered that works for me so well, and perhaps you will find the same result. All PWP deserve to feel better! Just experiment with the dosage that works for you. It is completely safe as is the marijuana. Good Luck!