My husband has PD,he is on sinimet plus,h... - Cure Parkinson's

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My husband has PD,he is on sinimet plus,he keeps falling asleep all the time,is this due to the pills,or part of PD

Crosshalls profile image
25 Replies
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Crosshalls profile image
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25 Replies
WayneP profile image

Just speaking for myself, these little jewels as wonderful as they are at getting my body moving and stopping the shaking, they sure can knock me out at times with no warning. When I read the side effects on this med in the beginning I was like that must be a joke that they can cause sudden sleepiness. Not in my case and not ever day but you never know.

alllowercase profile image

And the second answer is very much a resounding yes. But, as Wayne said, it is not every day, and you never know when. The only thing I can predict is that it is that sod's law rules - it always happens at a time I least need it.


Crosshalls profile image

Thanks for your replies,at least I know its normal for PD,he nods of frequently mouth open.He does not have a tremor,but his speech quality has gone worse,and he has difficulty walking,other than that keeps going,is and is quite cheerful,though needs to be pushed

froggatt55 profile image

Hi, Just to be different, I am on Sinemet Plus as part of my drug cocktail and I do not fall asleep during the day unless I am tired after physical activities when I go for a nap. I can power nap for an hour but, as I say it is not involuntary - that's the problem with this disease, it and the drugs can affect us all so differently. I am, like your husband, troubled with speech problems which \re very embarassing in social sitruations

I would very much like to know what drug regime Michael J Fox is on that is enabling him to return to work but whatever it is wouldn't necessarily work for others

olpilot profile image
olpilot in reply to froggatt55

I just read about it and he has add Amantadine. I'm on it fior dystonia in my legs and feet, I must say it works great.

froggatt55 profile image
froggatt55 in reply to olpilot


I am on Amantadine too after reading about it to minimise dyskenesia

CSEI profile image
CSEI in reply to olpilot

Hi olpilot

my doctor has talked about dystonia in my legs and feet he has seen them curl up, they often feel like rubber joints just curiuos if you had similar problems thanks Peary

olpilot profile image
olpilot in reply to CSEI

yes I have one night in bed I was able to show my wife my feet and toes doing some contortions that I could not do, no way possible. It is very painful, but my neuro tried Amantadine and in just a couple days I felt improvement, It isn't completely gone, but the relief is great. The other thing is now I feel like I'm walking on the outside edge of my feet all the time, never felt that way before, not caused by the amantadine, just a new pain I guess.................8)

CSEI profile image
CSEI in reply to olpilot

thanks olpilot ,

sounds like i do have dystonia i will have the dr. confirm it next week

jjmoore profile image

My husband too has pd as well as dementia. He is on sinemet and has been for about 4 years now, however it is only lately that he has started sleeping a lot during the day. I found him sleeping on the laundry floor one day last week - I thought he was dead. His speech is terrible and he cannot put a sentence together logically, nor can he turn over in bed, I also have to shower and dress him now. Never thought that this would happen to us - it is a nightmare. However we try to make a joke of it or else we would go crazy.

in reply to jjmoore

I am in the same situation as you with my husband having PD and dementia. He has been on Sinemet for about 5 years now and it was just increased to see if that would help him more. He does sleep alot now and the doctor said that is normal for the medication. Some days he is awake a lot and other days he sleeps - you just never know what each day will bring. Same with the nights - most nights he's up and down and other nights he will sleep through. I am not quite to the point of having to shower and dress him yet but know that is coming. Yes, it is a nightmare and one we never expected. My prayers are with you and your husband.

jjmoore profile image
jjmoore in reply to

Isn't it good that we can all talk together like this. It makes you feel and know that you are not alone on this terrible journey, as others are going through the same thing. Prayer is all we have left. I wish you all the best and look after yourself, this is most important

in reply to jjmoore

I must ask you how do you communicate with your husband not knowing what he says or wants?? If I don't understand what he is saying, I just pretend but I don't know if that is the correct thing to do. I don't want to upset him. He talks a blue streak but normally I can't figure out what he is saying. I did put a picture book together with pics of food, restaurants, children, etc. so he can point those out to me when he needs to and that has helped. I also have a caregiver coming in 2 1/2 hrs. a week so I can have a little free time to myself and that is nice although I have to admit I feel really guilty about doing that. I really do love this site as I have learned so much.

Yes, my husband is on Sinemet and falls aleep a lot but doctor says that is normal with the meds plus . However, some days he doesn't sleep much and other days he does so I just never know what reaction he will have. The meds seem to help his tremor and walking ability which is good. Wish they could find a miracle cure for this horrible disease!

Crosshalls profile image

Ken sleeps great at night,with the tablets the doc gave him,and does sleep alot in the day,can be lonely sometime,but good he is still with me.As long as he keeps his sense of humour,thats great,and us girls carry on the good work,maybe soon they will find a cure

in reply to Crosshalls

Humor does play a big part of keeping your sanity sometimes. The best to you and your husband.

Crosshalls profile image

Thank you

Antonio_Montolio profile image

The question is, What the Plus, in Sinimet plus?

that may the reason, the carbidopa in my it's only 25 mg, but that is for the stomach. It does not cause any side affect in me.

I used to take two 25/250, at the am, and two every 3 hours,, high dosage I know, but that used to work for me, until I've got my DBS . no sleep side affects.

Crosshalls profile image

Ken takes one 25/100 three times a day,and yes I have found sleep is one of the side affects,he sleeps well at night,but takes Clonazapam,which he seems fine with.He is 84 now so no DBS for him

cabbagecottage profile image

It's as if he switches off , his head will droop and he then starts twitching . jerking . \\the jerk will then switch him back on wh ,en he then looks to the floor ro see what he has dropped . It slow him down along with the speech and face is a closed book . Difficult to read ....

LJ123 profile image

My husband is on 25/250 every 3.5 hours and he is almost always tired. The doctor said it is in part to the meds and in part to the PD. Who really knows???

PatrickW profile image

I fall asleep during the day all the time (never before PD) and at night I can't sleep for more than a few hours. I have fallen asleep at the wheel many times and also in many of my Drs. waiting rooms. I think it's the meds not PD because I've had PD a while and the sleep nonsense started after I was put on meds but I take quite a few and have no idea which one is the culprit. Almost every night while I'm watching TV and surfing the channels I will fall asleep and when I drop the remote and it hits the floor it scares the crap out of me and I wake up.

tmhiggs profile image

i am on sinemet also and i get sleepy all hours of day, not every day. i take every 2 hours along with pramipexole dihydr.. sometimes i also do need assistance from my hubby... like getting dressed . i just simply cant move at times bec either my meds wore off or are not working well for me that day. i am thinking about dbs so i can have a better quality of life. what they need to do is come up with a mirace cure that doesn't take 5 plus yrs to get approved....wouldn't that be nice!! this disease is horrible!

wifeofparky profile image

My husband had daytime sleepiness before he was diagnosed and on medication so I think most of it is from Parkinson's. He uses androgel 1% daily and it seems to help but not on a consistent basis. We noticed he slept more when he was off the drug waiting for pre-approval from the insurance company. He takes sinemet 25/100 4 times a day and adds 1/2 a tablet when he needs to be able to do more. It is frightening when he has just finished a meal and falls asleep in the chair. I have to make sure he is still breathing because he can be so still.

cabbagecottage profile image

Reduced the sinemet from Sinemet plus to 11)mg but added a sinemet cr during the dayu as well . seems to have helped the switching off

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