I have just read that a side effect of pa... - Cure Parkinson's
I have just read that a side effect of parkinsons drugs is swollen ankles and sore shins how common is this?

I know that Requip causes swollen ankles which is why I stopped taking it. Tony
OMG....im going through this as we speak and im on requip. Dr gave me a fluid pill. i was really getting scared at some point.
After 3 weeks of Mirapex my ankles swelled up like a balloon tires, so I had to stop taking it.
I have noticed since using Neupro patches I have purple blotches on my shins which are surrounded by what looks like old bruises (I thought I had the start of Ulcers)
It seems with PD we get so many problems occuring
I just wonder if all this medication causes many other problems we know little about or why?
There is only a very narrow spectrum of information available on the drug info in the pack.
You start asking any questions which seem unusual and you are very soon made to feel a fool by the doctors.

Here is quite a comprehensive list of side effects oldtyke. Your description sounds like it could be purpura which is an uncommon SE.
I found that agonist SE settled down after a while, or perhaps i just got used to them.
Has caused swelling and red legs in my husband who is on Sinemet and the neuro patch
Yes, on Requip and Mirapex I had purple feet and still have the red marks around my ankles (thank you very much--not!) . Even the sinemet causes water retention in thighs which aggravates knee bursitis until meds kick in and then look out -- "running" to bathroom No, they don't tell you everything! I could tell them a thing or two.
Requip did that to me as well. In fact..... riquip was not a positive experience in anyway.
Requip caused my feet and ankles to swell and I have red/purple marks on my ankles. Stopped taking the Requip, but Sinemet still causes my feet to retain water even with a water pill.
Thats interesting about sinimet causing water retention GrammyC.
As for Requip side effects - there are heaps of potential ones!
I had/have the same problem, swollen ankles and red, swollen and lumpy shins.
I've been on re-quip since xmas but was told to reduce the dose as I was getting some OCD and they added stalevo. Within a couple of weeks of taking the stalevo the swelling started. I've now been told to stop the re-quip completely and start on rotigotine patches (although, as I said, swelling didn't start until I started on the stalevo).
Went to the GP on Thursday evening with the letter from my PD nurse and he gave me the prescription. When I took it to the chemist the following evening after work it turns out he'd written it for stalevo and madopar!!! NO PATCHES. I'm getting pretty fed up what with the swelling, sleeplessness, night eating (and the weight that's piling on), my other half telling me I need to lose weight, as if I didn't know! And just generally fed up for feeling that I need to apologise for nothing working.
I decided on Friday evening, standing at the chemist counter, to stop taking everything and see what happens......
i am taking a combination of Requip.Modopar and Azilect, the doctor thought my shins and ankle problem was cellulitis i have been on antibiotics for eight weeks! i need to find out if the problem is due to the parkinsons combination
My husband is on Requip 8mg, and gets one swollen leg that is quite bad and one that is not too bad. When we mention this ...they are not interested. Reading all above messages....I am wondering if Requip is right for him. I have my doubts anyway as he gets confusion which he never had before on all the other drugs. We have tried going down/up but no better.
Good luck!!!
When you look at the patient information leaflet that will be included in every box of tablets, you will see that the side effects are listed under headings that specify how common those particular side effects are.