After I was finally diagnosed, people who talked with me about my PD would ask if I was in pain. At that time my answer was "no".
I was a gymnast and played most every sport growing up and still have a lot of flexibility and muscle strength. Lately though, when I stand, my feet are in pain and it takes me several steps (or shuffles) before I can stand fully upright. If I continue walking, the pain in my feet will lessen.
The other new symptom. I have walked about 3 miles a day for a while. Lately, when I walk even a short distance I will have muscle spasms in my lower legs and gluteal muscles. There have been several times that I had to cut the walk short and limp home in pain.
I would like to have feedback and any suggestions. The muscle spasms come and go but the pain in my feet on standing is constant and painful.