we have seen a change in my brother and it's not good. I wonder if he would be better off without any medications. he fell asleep last week while driving luckily it was only very minor but it's so scary. He keeps getting so tired we don't know why. going to see the dr. this week.
watching my brother get worse is so diffi... - Cure Parkinson's
watching my brother get worse is so difficult

Hi yes my husband fell asleep whilst driving on a busy motorway, he decicded then to give up driving altogether. He also fell asleep whilst having his teeth drilled at the dentist and bit the dentist.
You don't have to have PD to do that I did it years ago on a root canal job The dentist said he had people that were relaxed but never one fall asleep
I have fallen asleep while having a meal! Just another of Ps little surprises.
Funny, I fall asleep regularly while watching TV, but not when it is my favourite soccer or rugby team!
Your brother should make sure that the car isn't too warm and cosy - better to have the windows open. If he really can't stay awake then he shouldn't drive.
In the UK we have to inform the vehicle licensing authorities about our condition and it is checked out with our doctor.
Finally, an adjustment to the meds may well improve matters but there is no way he should stop them completely - he will be far worse.
It wouldbe a good idea to have the meds adjusted. I have often mentioned to my husband,"I don't know what they did for people with PD years ago." IF Ididn't have my meds my dystonia would cripple me in such a painful way that I couldn't live with it. Medicaiton is all we have.Please don't even consider that. Good luck. I am sure your brother appreciates your caring for him.
Before my meds were changed I fell asleep too often.
I had a test where they shock you legs to see if there is a problem. The first time I had it done (didn't know I had PD) I could hardly stand it. The pain was great.
The last time I had it, I slept through it....before my meds were changed.
Talk to the Dr. It takes patience and a lot of trial & error to get meds correct. The Dr. needs our input to help with the right meds.
I often fall asleep knitting I dont know for how long but all the stitches are wrong and some days I talk gobbledy gook
Yup, I fell asleep twice while midsentence of teaching a class. I fell asleep a number of times at red lights. I caught myself dozing while driving...I changed meds and that went away - most of it!
Steve (Bisbee)