Is this peripheral neuropathy?
I'm mid 70s and lucky so far, in the 10 years I've been diagnosed it's the tremors that get me most, then stiffness, rigidity, and balance. I haven't needed to see a specialist because the Sinemet has helped, for the most part. Also I walk daily about 1.5 miles and that helps.
However not too long ago I started to notice a problem with my feet, and now it is so bad I can't tolerate it much longer. It's so bad that I can't sleep. I'm miserable, and I don't know where to start. We don't have any neurologists close by. I did call one in the city closest to me and I can get in at the end of March, it's middle of January now. Best I can do.
My feet are always burning and tingling. They are bubbling with pain. They are always cold and white or blue. When I am stationary it gets worse and at night it's unbearable. The only thing that seems to help at night is putting my feet in a certain position. Walking around in the daytime helps because I'm concentrating on walking, but I can still feel pain. Also my hands are always cold and purple.
I don't have diabetes or any heart issues that I'm aware of. I'm not a big guy. I eat well, don't smoke or drink.
1) Who should I go to for this? In our locality we have a Primary Care who I'm seeing tomorrow. Blood work to make sure nothing is wrong. Should I see a podiatrist to take a look at my feet? We have a cardiologist. Anyone else?
2) My wife is bugging me to go get a PET or DAT or some kind of scan of the brain, she says it might pinpoint the areas with the least dopamine. Her uncle had some such test done and it helped him, she says. There's a national Parkinson's Medical Center about 5 hours away, but I'm not sure they can do anything that the local docs here can do with meds and get the same results. I mean, is there really any solution to these problems?
3) My wife says maybe brain stimulation might help, but I don't want to have electrodes put into my brain, unless I have to. Would that possibly help my cold hands and feet?
4) I Think this could be restless legs syndrome but in my feet. Has anyone heard of this?
Thanking you for any suggestions.