PD expected to double by 2030: newswire.co... - Cure Parkinson's
PD expected to double by 2030

Many possible contributors to the increase in Parkinson's have been discussed such as toxic chemicals, pesticide and herbicide exposures, and high lead levels (air and water) but one thing that has not been mentioned much is nuclear radiation exposure. It seems like the possibility of higher exposure to nuclear radiation could be widespread after the nuclear accidents that have occurred.
"There is evidence that exposure to radiation can increase the risk of Parkinson's disease (PD):
Occupational exposure
A study of Russian nuclear production facility workers found a linear association between the cumulative dose of radiation and the incidence of PD. The risk increased with the length of time between exposure and diagnosis, but decreased after adjusting for other factors.
Radiation treatment
Radiation treatment of the basal ganglia can cause a rare complication called secondary Parkinson's syndrome. Physicians may want to avoid treating the basal ganglia with radiation if possible, and counsel patients about this risk if the target is nearby.
Ionizing radiation
Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause proteins to misfold and aggregate, which can lead to neurodegenerative diseases.
However, there are still many unknowns about the risks of low-dose radiation exposure to neurodegenerative diseases. More research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind radiation-induced neurodegenerative disorders. "
One least discussed factor is chronic stress. Tensions due to relationships, employments, and similar other situations likes these act a catalyst
Stress no doubt contributes but honestly it is pretty amazing that almost everyone is not facing serious debilitating disease when you consider all the toxic exposures out there. Parkinson's is on the rise and it also seems there has been a major increase in cancers and other serious health conditions.
the silver lining to this, although I would never wish this disease on anyone is that the more people that have it may drive the search for a cure quicker.
Parkinson’s disease is one of the fastest-growing neurological conditions, with prevalence expected to double by 2030.
This first sentance of a section of the report should scare the heck out of you. Assuming calendar year 2024 is the baseline (assumed to be 100) and calendar year2030 (assumed to be 200) is the ending period You have 6 periods
Growth rate is 12.25% per year. Dang invest in Parkie drugs! Sad
No, don’t invest in drugs. Instead get rid of all contributing factors the main ones I believe are fake foods and real foods with any nutritional value stripped out (white flour and rice), and keep everyone exercising once they leave high school.
Discourage any unnecessary use of any unnatural chemical like pharmaceuticals (except in life threatening situations) including over the counter ones like paracetamol. Also pesticides on food. Test all food growing soil for heavy metals and pesticide residues. Etc.
I totally agree and my comment about investing in drugs was made "tongue in cheek". I am trying to eat clean but I find it challanging. The most brialliant food chemists and marketing specialist strive every day to make it so "you can't eat just one"