Has anyone here tried Ceylon Cinnamon for Parkinsons?
Ceylon Cinnamon: Has anyone here tried... - Cure Parkinson's
Ceylon Cinnamon
I am using cinnamon for diabetes and it has a clear benefit on my blood sugars. I typically take it before or after eating higher carbohydrate meal. I put it in capsules for convenience because otherwise I will not take it regularly. Some meals are not good with cinnamon added. However, I believe I was under dosing so this is very helpful. I was aware too much can cause problems. It is used in Ayurveda, traditional East Indian medicine for a variety of problems. It is used to help one type of energy, but if used in excess creates a different energy imbalance, hence different problems/ diseases.
Yes, my hwp is using ceylon cinnamon. The effect is very positive, not dramatic but still marked overall. Do read park_bear 's input. It is straightforward and to the point.
My husband has been taking it for a while now. He likes it so it’s easy for him to take with his breakfast. I ve written about it if you look on my profile.
There is an excellent article about Ceylon cinnamon and more The study recommends 4g/day. Check Science Direct article on Neutroceuticals
I have been using 650 mg Ceylon cinnamon for about two months. I think it has made a significant but not total symptom relief. Fatigue, lightheaded, stiffness. I plan to try two per day.
Yes! I started taking Ceylon cinnimon every day about three weeks ago. The 1st time I took it I put a tablespoon in my applesauce and it was like I got overamped so I dialed it down to 1 teaspoon/day. It's supposed to be great for very many health issues👍
I use it in my baking all the time
Do you see improvement? Thanks
I am gluten free /sugar free , grow organic and make my own bread_and snacks. I also use fava beans /plants for dopamine supplement and have stayed physically about the same now since 2009. Most of the snacks I make have ceylon cinnamon, but my good health seems to come from the combination of good food,exercise, playing music and loving the life God has given me and the people I serve.
I put 1/2 teaspoon in my coffee and 1/2 teaspoon in my fermented dairy (Dr Davis' yogurt) daily.
Do you see any improvement? Thanks
Yes. Particularly in balance and improved sleep.
Where do you buy your yogurt?
I make it weekly using Dr Wm. Davis' recipe found on YouTube. It utilizes a specific probiotic L Reuteri to heal the gut due to SIBO or leaky gut syndrome. I have read about a possible connection between leaky gut and PD due to the vagus nerve pathway. I add blueberries and walnuts or almonds, +/- honey along with 1/2 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon immediately prior to consumption.
I used a tsp daily for a few months. Didn’t feel it made a difference