Anyone familiar with this company? Any insight would be helpful/ many alternative treatments to PD and most are so expensive. Thanks so much
STEM CELL: Anyone familiar with this... - Cure Parkinson's

How is the "Parkinson's Solution" working?
I know very little about the viability of all the stem cell clinics around the world, and have no experience with this clinic, so my opinion and $1.25 will get you on a bus, but from reading their website, they also reverse ALS, MS, Osteoarthritis, Lyme Disease, kidney disease, liver disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Chronic Inflammation & their treatmnet also provides for Intelligent Aging - what ever that is.
Pretty impressive!
I'm always skeptical about such claims. I realise money is a big barrier to many many sufferers, but even at $100,000 a treatment, I feel there would be more publicity if these things were as successful as claimed, particularly whilst high profile celebrities like Jeremy Paxman, Billy Connolly and of course Michael J Fox still present us with the reality that Parkinson's is incurable, even if you have an appreciable amount of wealth.
On the flip side, if these were truly guaranteed "cures", even if expensive, the best marketing in the world would be to call Messrs Paxman, Connolly and Fox and offer the treatment for free - subject to them subsequently telling the world. Can you imagine the power of a video of those three gentlemen fully restored and explaining that yes, the "Magic Wand Stem Cell Therapy Company inc." really did cure their Parkinson's? You'd be able to charge the rest of the world whatever you wanted at that point.
But, since no such video exists, we are left with the truth; any given stem cell therapy at worst is a total fiction, or at best offers no greater reduction in symptoms than current pharmaceutical options. There is no other possible interpretation.
Well at no fault of PD Solution, I had to take a break after week 3-4 of 8 weeks for work. I am flight attendant and had to fly for a week THEN had surgery last week for hernia ugh still home recovering but lost too much weight so wont start program until put on weight. I am determined to begin and finish so standby! Lord willing retiring beginning of 2025, way too much with PD🥴 As many of us on here, i research a great deal and find HU so helpful. I appreciate your insight very much as I see you on here often Thanks
You can get a bus from perpignan to quillan for 1 euro. Quillan to carcassonne 1 euro...