Has anyone ever tried stem cell replacement, if you have did work do what company did you use.
Stem cell replacement : Has anyone ever... - Cure Parkinson's
Stem cell replacement

There are currently no regulated, authorised clinics carrying out stem cell therapies. There are clinical trials under way in Australia and Japan at the moment, and Jeanne Loring has launched a company in the USA hoping to get FDA approval for a trial in the next couple of years.
Don't go near any of the unauthorised clinics with a 15ft pole.
If I were desperate and had the cash, I'd fly to Mexico or Germany or wherever to try whichever websites looked the least criminal. There was a time when antibiotics were new and controversial.
hi cindyross yes i had stem cell treatment a few years ago i went to china beijing it cost a lot of money approx 22.000 dollars i went for 2 weeks it did help at the time but they told me its not a cure i accept that, i would say to you no dont go as theres no cure for it the hospitals will tell you that.regards just john.
Hi John I was wondering how long you think the stem cell work, and did they use your stem cells or someone else’s
well it did help for a few months but that was it .and they used the stem cells from when woman had babies. 3 times i got it injection in the bottom of the spine over a 2 week time period. every day they put drips into the back of my hand there were 2 plastic bags used in the drip i dont know what it was though.there were people from all over the world there i got to be friends with some of them.you had to buy your own food as they dont supply any food i went to the big mall also they wanted to charge 5000 dollars for drugs with big names i checked what they were on my laptop they were just vitamins with big funny sounding names i told them im not paying 5000 dollars for some vitamins and i can buy them here in australia a lot cheaper they were doing that to everyone .well thats all i can think off cindyross.regards just john.
Yes. Went to Amsterdam for it. It gave my husband a fantastic complexion about two months after he got it.
Did he get anything other then a great complexion
It was complicated. He went over in a wheelchair, had the cells in a mannitol/DMSO drip, walked down the stairs and back to the hotel, changed his clothes, hailed a cab, opened the door for me and cut his own food at dinner. His usual rebar ankles loosened and worked normally and he was able to stand for long periods. We knew it couldn’t be the cells as they take a couple of months to grow. In an attempt to replicate this we found a kindly nephrologist who agreed to do a mannitol drip. No one would do one with the DMSO. It is a very potent anti-inflammatory which is rarely used on humans as it isn’t approved by the FDA. They can never get test results due to the terrible smell of the Sulphur part...it permeates everything and there is no chance of getting a blind test because everyone would know who the placebos were. I had a neighbor who taught large animal science at the local vet school and she told me that she had instructed her vet friends to sneak a syringe of DMSO into the hospital if she ever had brain trauma. I learned to give it into a line in my husbands arm and later his heart (I can’t believe I’m saying this) and it was most helpful. Even the walls smelled but it kept him active. I now believe that inflammation was a huge factor in his case and although nothing we tried cured, many things helped the symptoms, particularly and most dramatically those which decreased inflammation. We tried everything...even rTMS which was very helpful but super expensive as most is not covered by insurance. Hyperbaric oxygen was helpful too...also expensive. He didn’t die of PD, he died of the results of years of anxiety ( probably a side effect of early PD) which caused his heart wall to gradually harden to the point where it just stopped. We were unable to control the anxiety until his last two years when we discovered l-theanine and oral lavender caps. I have written elsewhere about this wonderful supplements. Just sorry they didn’t have CBD then. Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for your input
The funny thing was that after about 2months, we’d be walking down the street and stop to talk with people we knew and they would comment on how great my husband looked. Some even asked if he had something work done’. His skin got lovely and rosy. We got a kick out of that.
Hi Donzim. What was the name of the company that offered the treatment? Do you know that type of cells they use?
It’s called Stem Cell Of America it is based in San Diego but the hospital is in Tijuana because they have no restrictions there like they have in Canada and the USA They us fetal stem cells not mine
Donzim hope you don’t mind me asking how long did he live from diagnosis and how old was he?
He was diagnosed in ‘03 but we were told that by the time one has a diagnosis, one has had Pd for 20 years. He died three years ago from a heart condition brought on by anxiety...every time you have an anxiety attack, the heart hardens a bit and eventually it becomes so hard it can’t flex to beat. He was a type A guy and was high strung but still, not what I would call chronically anxious until he got PD so even tho he didn’t die of PD, what killed him was PD related. Over half of PDers suffer from anxiety. BTW, that remark about having it for 20 years I believe to be true. As I thought back I recalled exactly the time and place i told him he needed to get help for his depression/anxiety which he had not had previously. It was 20 years prior to diagnosis and I was standing in front of the pantry in our kitchen.
Thanks Donzim. Yes I believe it can be 20 years before symptoms really appear. That’s why I disagree when people here think one incident caused it, such as an operation. It was probably the final trigger that led to tremor etc but they had PD long before that.
As to his stiff heart have you read about cardiac autonomic problems in PD.?
I have always believed that statins did not cause my husbands PD but I do believe it triggered what was an already existing condition. Yes I have heard of that cardiac issue but don’t recall the details. We spent years trying to control the anxiety attacks which were like weapons destroying the heart. As stated, he only got relief from the years of anxiety with his use of l-theanine.
Donzim, I’m sorry that your husband’s heart gave out after trying so many things to lessen his symptoms. Can I ask you which clinic he went to in Amsterdam and where he had rTMS? I’ve been searching for somewhere that treats Parkinson’s with rTMS but can’t find anywhere. How much improvement did that give him?
Don’t recall the Amsterdam drs name...think they moved to another place. rTMS was very helpful. He did it in an effort to control anxiety (read elsewhere). The dr doing this was doing the testing as part of his practice for Brainsway, the Israeli company that makes deep brain rTMS. He agreed to take him for anxiety and ‘watch’ the PD. This meant he was the only man in the world being studied for both PD and intense anxiety simultaneously. We initially went to W. Palm Beach for two weeks where they treated him 7 days a week. By the end of that period, a good number of his PD symptoms had decreased. The telltale symptom of the ratcheting rotation of the arm was gone. Even I, as a non medical person, could easily see the difference. Each day he improved and improved. Everyone was surprised, even the Brainsway people who offered us 1/2 price if we would just stay there another two weeks so we could see how far was ‘up’. We did and eventually stated for a month. After that time, we had to decide whether or not to move there ( we had just moved to a town on the west coast of FL). We decided to commute. First 3x a week, then 2x a week until he had a mild cardiac episode and the trip was too hard to make at our age. In retrospect I realize he needed rTMS every day. It was remarkable...immediate results. He would leave the office after treatment and walk and walk. Clear mentally and spoke more naturally for the rest of the day and a good part of the next. Hugely expensive and not usually covered by insurance.
If it worked Michael J. Fox would be cured by now.
I live in southern California and I contacted a clinic in Mexico and asked about treatment but felt like it was a scam after I spoke to them. Who told you it would help with symptoms? I know the feeling of wanting to try something that might help but the only "treatment" that everyone is in agreement about is stretching and exercise to keep as mobile and strong and flexible as possible. What are your worst symptoms? Mine are stifness, slowness, and dykinesia.
Good luck to you.
Please read what WinneThePoo wrote in his two comments above. If you are still thinking about trying stem cells, read his comments 10 more times. I am VERY excited about stem cell therapy and there a few legitimate human trials underway now, but anyone selling it the public right now for Parkinson's disease is a disgusting charlatan.
It worked to fix my husband's adrenals- he went from being an iceberg to having a normal temperature. He is on a mercury detox. When that is over in another year he is going back for more stem cells.
The Australian stem cell study being conducted involves having the s cells implanted via injection directly to various sites in the brain
If it worked I’m sure we would all know and be doing it
There are so many scams just out to get your money.
Is this the organisation you are ‘trusting to give you symptom relief’. Good luck with that!
No this is not the organization I am thinking of seeing it is called stemedix out of st. Petersburg Florida
Please read what WinneThePoo wrote in his two comments above. If you are still thinking about trying stem cells, read his comments 10 more times. I am VERY excited about stem cell therapy and there a few legitimate human trials underway now, but anyone selling it the public right now for Parkinson's disease is a disgusting charlatan
Well I think you are determined to try it. The stemedix company certainly looks the best.