Looking for a "good" peppermint oil. Thanks to anyone and everyone who can suggest some.
Can anyone suggest a really good peppermi... - Cure Parkinson's
Can anyone suggest a really good peppermint oil?

Maybe a dumb question, but what is peppermint oil good for re: PD?
Have no idea.... I had what I think was from food poisoning, and I had to go off coffee and onto teas, but can't stand the tannins, and can't buffer it with milk because that stops the beneficial action of teas...she suggested adding peppermint oil which has a reputation for relieving irritable bowel and digestive symptoms... Anyway this food poisoning gastroenteritis was really intense, nasty symptoms that went on for too many days. Doctor says trade off of using antibiotics is you kill off your good bacteria, still have the problem with the bad bacteria's already produced toxins to recover from, and if the infection or its toxins disrupt the very delicate one-cell-thick cell walls in your intestine, when you have a gastroenteritis you expose your blood system to the infection and that means inside your body (as opposed to intestines which is not technically inside your body) which can be deadly and is certainly much more intense as far as inflammation and triggering a systemic cytokine storm. On top of that she doesn't trust probiotics. She said anything you can do to keep the tannin symptoms might help the irritation, and keep everything limited to your intestines a little better without introducing more problems is the best way to go and she suggested mint, but not just any mint, only peppermint. She says the bugs are much more nasty these days and much more prone to resist antibiotics anyway, and much more likely to lead to drastically complicate you if you have any other core current diseases, she says that includes Parkinson's, because your enteric system also involves your vagus nerve. Sometimes I think she should be a neurologist. (Her answer to that is That's her advanced stage of career she makes more in internal medicine and she once dated a neurologist and one in her life had been more than enough!)
Very smart doc. Does she do telehealth?
You may be better off using the soft gel PO as it also contains two other soothing and beneficial oils for the gut, ginger and fennel oils. This may help insure you are getting oils suitable for oral consumption. Here is a link to a typical product :
Google each of the ingredients + "gut health" to get a better idea of what this combination does.