I feel absolutely marvelous...
Long story shortened: With my current stack*, I kept over-dosing on my B1 hcl oral, so I thought why not try TTFD again at a really small dose of TTFD, first I tried 1/2 tab of 5mg ALINAMIN F (TTFD) – I had an anxiety attack. So I cut to 1/4 (1/4 a tab of 5g of TTFD (1.25 TTFD is 8.3 mg of B1, less than the RDA, heck my B-complex has more than that).
I have only taken 1/4 for 2 weeks.
* Stack: Some of which are in and it’s continuations healthunlocked.com/cure-par....
My brain storming: Wild crazy ideas followed up by yet another wild crazy idea (not in logical order and not all crazy).
- I always thought blood barriers only covered only the BBB.
- There is also the blood-nerve barrier (BNB) which isn’t as well studied because cells of the BNB haven’t been grown in the lab. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/216...
What if PD is a failure of the BNB and nerves are damaged, too? What if (HDT) is getting some Thiamine across the BNB to aid failing nerves?
- Dap1948 's protocol is to start low, increase B1 slowly till the first signs of improvement, then stop increasing, and give it time to work.
- I wonder if my Trial of TTFD failed; because I did not start at a low enough dose, and my continual over dosing was because my doses were too high.
Some of my posts/comments have been; TTFD made me a B1 believer. I would like to see a study on TTDF for PD, what if they fortified foods with TTFD – could we wipe out PD.
Posts in a private conversation:
- I wrote a message to Fatty15, asking if B1 was capable with B1 therapy for PD. They replied, they have never of B1 Therapy for PD.
- I have ODed again on B1. I think I am back on track B1,
- I tried to cut back on C/L, but can’t.
- I am going to be very disappointed; if I can’t reduce my C/L and all that happens is I reduce my very cheap B1.
- I am not saying having to reduce B1 is a bad thing. I am thinking, B1 is life support for sick cells. With the Fatty15, I require less life support.
- ALINAMIN F is a prescription drug in Japan ALINAMIN F available in 5mg and 25mg. (In USA TTFD is a supplement). The company I ordered from wouldn’t accept my card charge, so I sent a wire transfer. They are currently out of stock mimaki-family-japan.com/ite...