I've mentioned before, I go to Hartford Health in Mystic, CT for Botox, Tai Chi, PD boxing and Yoga. But for yoga sometimes I'm the only person in the room. That bothered me because there had been acupuncture in the past and it somehow disappeared.
Now the instructor--Mayra-- is hot so I complained to the neuro and her assistant about the empty room. I don't know what they did but Friday's class was SRO; Yoga mats filled the room. I had to block the door open for elbow room. People in the hall were entertained by my arms and legs pinioning as I tried to do down dog, warrier and cobra poses without falling on my head. Unsuccessfully. People had been afraid of yoga without knowing anything about it. That's why nobody was taking the class.
But now the genie is out of the bottle and empty rooms are a thing of the past. I'm a victim of my own success.