I know most of people will find it difficult, still some can benefit from it
YogMantra | Know All About Yoga Practices... - Cure Parkinson's
YogMantra | Know All About Yoga Practices That Have Worked for Parkinson’s Disease

Thank you for reminding me 🙏Yoga works on incremental improvement. Today I can hold a position for 2 seconds, after some days I will be able to achieve 3 / 4 / 5 seconds and beyond, so there is no minimum and no maximum to Yoga practice.
Thank you once again 🙏🙏🙏
I recently signed up for local yoga classes. 2x a week. I'm really enjoying it. I think it will be very helpful alongside boxing, strength training and fast walking.
Thank you for this. I am adding this to my weekly routine.
HWP (and I) have been doing it for 5-6 years now 2-3 times/week and his doctors are very pleased. Definitely an incremental practice and good on both a physical and mental level.
I go to yoga practice once weekly for an hour. After 4 weeks I don't see that it has helped but I enjoy it regardless.
The prescription is - positions 2 mins each on average.
Pranayam: per day
Bhrastrika Bellows Breath 5 to 10 mins
Kapalbhati Shining Skull Breath 15 to 60 mins
Anulom Vilom Alternate Nostril Breath 15 mins to no limit
Bhramari Humming Bee Breath max 21 times
How I know it's helping me is my OURA ring shows indication that after each yoga session my HRV is high. I've had trouble with HRV (heart rate variability being too low). Many of us with PD probably in the same boat. I now know Yoga is one of my tools for getting that HRV up.