Read about the common chemical found in the hot cereal. But, the cereal is not an exception. There are many more, but all are not named.
Disturbing News About Quaker Oats - Cure Parkinson's
Disturbing News About Quaker Oats

Damn... For years I ate Quaker oats every day!
I had not seen information about this chemical but there have been articles for a while about glyphosate in oats and cereals and in this article they list several products and the glyphosate levels
I had in the past wondered if glyphosate might be something that could contribute to the onset of Parkinson's. While most of the time you see information about glyphosate in cereals it seems likely that it might also be in other foods as well even if maybe at lower levels.
"Finally, in vitro studies suggest that glyphosate can cause oxidative stress, neuroinflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction, processes that have all been associated with neurodegeneration in the context of Parkinson's disease. Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review "
With so many toxins in foods what on earth can a person safely eat and when a person has to have some dietary restrictions added in it gets to the point where it is a major challenge. Then add to that that gaining or even maintaining weight can be a challenge in Parkinson's.
I despise these people so much. Words cannot express how out of control capitalism has ruined the planet.
It's America. They have different standards. The UK is headed back that way but the EU is much cleaner. In the USA cereals are genetically modified so they can be sprayed with roundup (glyphosate) which they do shortly before harvest to kill weeds in the crop so it's little wonder it shows up in the food
In the EU we don't allow that.
It says:"Researchers pointed out that the levels of chlormequat chloride found in the new study were much lower than the amount safety regulators in the U.S. and Europe say is acceptable, but higher than what the EWG deems safe for children’s health."
'Most' pwp are adult.
Unless you buy organic, virtually all food will be associated with toxins.
Professor Tim Spector (Imperial College, London, UK) who set up Zoe, a nutrition company, has referred to this in the following link, you are better off eating organic oats.
The Zoe team have been a really helpful source of information on foods healthy & unhealthy.
You shouldn't be eating oats anyway because of the carbohydrate content which can deplete vitamin B1. I eat very little grain of any sort.
There is a great app my sister turned me onto called Yuka. You can scan the barcode of most foods, cosmetics, and household products and it will list all the bad/potentially dangerous ingredients. It will also describe why they are listed as bad and give you options for other products that rate safer. I love it!
Was about to replenish my oatmeal tomorrow. There goes that. I do have plenty of millet though.