DetoxMD eliminated both their post and th... - Cure Parkinson's

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DetoxMD eliminated both their post and their ID account.

MarionP profile image
11 Replies

Looks like this person took off both the titled entry about root causes and neuroimmune blah blah blah and then even took out their membership name.

Gotta wonder.

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MarionP profile image
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11 Replies
SilentEchoes profile image

I don't know if DetoxMD is legit, but neurodegenerative diseases as a neuroimmune disease is.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to SilentEchoes

Apples and oranges you know. At the moment I happen to be following about eight neurodegenerative phenomena researchers on Google scholar, including one who is my own neurologist, so yes of course obviously, don't know how you could even think to equate the two or put them in the same sentence, one appears to be a scam artist and the other is such a non sequitur to the issue of this probable snake oil Hustler peddling expensive pseudoscience to the ignorant and desperately vulnerable in pain, , I just don't know why you're imagination took you there.

Samwebster profile image
Samwebster in reply to MarionP

Hi, Marion, I share yourPain and frustration.

My long term observations, though tell me that' Medical Science ' is not what it 'implies'

It does 'avoid' root causes, environmental

Poisons, etc, etc,

DNA for instance, can

Carry 'adducts' down the

Generations, adducts

Can be a poison of some sort which may be affecting a bodily system, or 'ready to have bad effects when

Toxins, pathogens build up' , A vicious cycle,

Confusing to us mere

Mortals, but food for

Thought when looking

For help. ONE important thing to me with a troubled cns is that the

Blood/brain barrier has been breached allowing

All the toxic fumes out or

Inside into the brain.

Want to finish with a comment about the current allopathic system of health care,

Looking back in time

I've realised that they

The GP'S even specialists are ' biased'

In favour of their 'learning', which seems to rule out causation and

Concentrates on finding

A drug or nutrient to help treat the symptoms. Be fair you can't term drugs as being 'SCIENCE ', Most of the

Research is in the wrong

Direction in my view.


AGH_1966 profile image
AGH_1966 in reply to SilentEchoes

I suppose he is as legit as someone can be who comes on intent on with the goal of getting our email addresses, fails not once but twice with clickbait, and then deletes his account. 🤪

SilentEchoes profile image
SilentEchoes in reply to AGH_1966

I never said DetoxMD was legit or whatever it is they were pedaling.

Neuroimmune disease as a cause of neurodegenerative disease is legitimate. I am currently researching this as it is clear that autoimmunity is a factor in my own illness.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to SilentEchoes

There are a lot of autoimmune affected individuals. I think the number has increased over time, doesn't it seem so? I mean the incidence is rising. No I can't quote anything about that though... It's just a "nimpression."

Seems we are inundated by many new amazing medications for autoimmune treatments, all the immunoglobulin and monoclonal antibodies, "'nibs" and "'mabs." I think your immunoglobulins are referred to as Ig and I know of at least 13 of them then maybe there are more. And the"mab" stands for "monoclonal antibodies." The chemists have constructed antibodies that are specifically targeted to particular problem disease molecule, cell, or whatever holds the targeted piece of the disease as a signal. It looks for that signal, latch on to that signal, and destroy the owner of that signal, a diseased cell. Medically speaking for us, it's all very chuff! Use of created molecules that will stop some of the individual pieces of your immune system concerned with the target disease process that is part of the "friendly fire" coming from your own immune system, and it's not feeling everything, just the bad bits, that is, part of your immune system that is attacking your own body structures. These puppies Target on a very specific basis, a bit of the immune system designed to defend you but jave somehow been mistakenly tagged with a marker that says shoot me, little piece or that little piece of you, because the immune system thinks it's a diseased piece. It's like somebody bicycle to buy and plastered a sign on your butt that says kick me. All variations on the main theme, which is when your anti allergy system or anti-infectious system turns on that a piece of you as if that little piece of you was a specific disease.

Those particular bits of your immune system are various versions of immunoglobulins and antibodies, each one programmed to attack this or that disease. These medications now do the opposite, shut down that little piece of your immune system that is attacking that little piece of you. Many, many specific new medical chemicals. They don't kill everything all over, like cancer chemotherapy used to do, they only stop or attack certain particular pieces because now they are more refined and target the disease more specifically.

But, what do they do to your immune system in the meantime is impair parts of your immune system, so that other diseases can now trouble you, infectious diseases. That's where they have all the specific warning messages, that you may get more infections of this or that kind and so to tell your doctor as soon as it happens or don't take the medication if you're allergic to one of the elements. When these new meds suppress some immunoglobulins, seems you are going to be exposed to certain other infections, certain viruses and bacteria, and delicate and vulnerable to a lot of infectious conditions that are consequently more dangerous to you because your immune system is in part suppressed. Well why not involve neurology cells and symptoms just like any others? Sure, makes complete sense.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to MarionP

You're thinking the immune system is targeting are dopamine producing cells somehow, attacking them somehow? Or the process of delivering the dopamine to our nerves?

SilentEchoes profile image

Plasmapheresis and IVIG should be trialed. There was a clinical trial of young plasma for PD. As I recall it worked and then quietly went away.

MarionP profile image
MarionP in reply to SilentEchoes

What is IVIG? Is that an immunoglobulin delivered by IV? And plasmapheresis, that is removing and replacing platelets, is it not? Or just taking out whole blood, removing the platelets, putting the blood back? Platelets trigger clotting, so you are saying the idea would be to remove some of that clotting trigger.

SilentEchoes profile image

Intravenous immunoglobulin - IVIG.Plasmapheresis is the removal, treatment, and return or EXCHANGE of blood plasma or components thereof from and to the blood circulation. Most health insurance (in the US) will pay for these therapies.

There's another therapy I'm interested in, EBOO. Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation, is an advanced form of Ozone Therapy. EBOO is actually a form of dialysis. It uses a dialysis filter to clean blood of the debris of destroyed germs, heavy metals, fungus, and more, and to ozonate the blood in stages. As blood is drawn from a vein, it goes through the filter where it is ozonated, and then is reintroduced to the body through a different vein. Because it is a closed system, where the blood is never exposed to outside elements, it eliminates the possibility of contamination. The course takes 3 procedures, 1 week apart, which normally repeats twice a year, and each treatment only takes about 45 minutes.

You can get more information online. It's pricey at about $1,200 US per session.

kaypeeoh profile image
kaypeeoh in reply to SilentEchoes

You'll need an ozone generator and an oxygen source. You pull blood out and add ozone to the blood then put the blood back into the bloodstream.

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