After much research my husband (diagnosed early in 2023) is about to start on sublingual B1. As per Daphne's book we plan to document his success using pre and post video of his gait, the Pull Test,and the Unified Parkinsons Scale.
Here is our question:
Should we do the testing during "on time" with C/L...or when he is betwewn doses of C/L
and has little to no medication in his system??
His symptoms are still mild, but his gait and balance is definately improved with 2x a day of 1 and a half pills of 25/100 C/L.
Thanks for feedback and we will share our results with you all on our B1 journey. We plan to document his B1 therapy trial as scientifically as possible. Starting dose wil be 3 times a week of 100 mg Superior Source Micro lingual B1, as per Daphne's book.