Morning all,
I joined today the 1st August 2023. This, because I recently stumbled across Daphne Bryan's YouTube video about her journey with the Costantini "method". That being superdosing of vitamin B1 thiamine. I was able to find ampoules of Thiamine in 50 and 100mg doses, and I have nurses readily available in the "geriatric" complex where I live, here in Cannes, France. As per Daphne's advice, I have started on 2 x 50mg jabs a week in my bottom, and I shall up this to 100mg shots after 6 weeks. I have had 2 jabs thus far.
Astonishingly, I think I can feel a small improvement in my energy level and balance already! I say "think" because I can hardly believe one's symptoms can improve so quickly. I'm acutely aware of the placebo phenomenon. Time will tell.
I do have one isue that the community may be able to help me with. I had a heart bypass operation18 months ago, and since then, I take 100mg asperin tablets daily to thin my blood. This is standard practice. However, Daphne, in her excellent book on this protocol warns of taking thiamine shots and anti-coagulants. Taken together, they can cause a "haematome" ?! She mentions two anticoagulants but not asperine. However, here in France, my nurses consider asperine to be an anticoagulant. Can anyone help me on this please? I would be really grateful.
Thanks in advance,