Doctor Costantini remembers that helping his very first patient, afflicted by an acute ulcerative, set him on the path towards countering Parkinson’s disease. He advised her to inject herself with two mg of Thiamine per week. “In the first 15 days of the therapy the patient was relieved of exhaustion, irritability, pain in her feet and calves”– says doctor Costantini- “Why is this? Because there is no medicine or drug that is able to affect all of the organs, whereas all of the organs function thanks to Thiamine. An important detail”, adds doctor Costantini, “the Thiamine therapy brings no collateral damage with time”.
fighting fatigue & lack of energy with B1 - Cure Parkinson's
fighting fatigue & lack of energy with B1
B1 is administered orally with a dosage of at least 600 mg per day.
Results of testing on patients suffering from celiac disease, Parkinson's and cerebrovascular disease
All patients subjected to therapy reported chronic fatigue from onset of the disease, at various intensities. The therapeutic effect obtained with administration of vitamin B1 was evaluated by CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) scale and FSS (Fatigue Severity Scale) standard tests. Before therapy, scale scores yielded as result a severe-grade fatigue in 30% of the cases, and a medium-grade one in the remaining 70%.
All patients suffering from celiac disease took an oral therapy, ranging from 600 to 900 mg per day for 20 days, with recovery from fatigue in about 5 days, followed by a maintenance therapy with 300-600 mg per day which they took also in the maintenance therapy.
3 patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and chronic fatigue were treated with the same therapy.
Administration of oral vitamin B1 with doses of from 600 to 2400 mg led to complete recovery from fatigue in about 3-5 days of all patients with Parkinson's disease.

Where can one find B 1 in such high doses ?
Thank you
Amazon search: Solgar thiamin HCl. Respected brand since 1947
Vitacost has lower price and is easy swallow capsules

Thanks, but right now I have a full supply from Solgar.
Although I'm doing the 4 grams a day, I could swear I was getting more energy when I was on 150 mg a day on alithiamine.
There is an Italian doctor, Antonio Costanini, who treats Parkinson’s patients with high doses of Vitamin B1 (Thiamin). He first published a report about his results in 2013:
There are interesting Before/After Patient videos (in Italian, but some have subtitles)…a few are embedded below, more are available at:
wow. hope its true. how long do you think they took it for the results and was it oral thiamine -1?
As I understand, dose response within a week through injections of thiamine. Injected as it is utilized more readily/less mg than the oral dose.

I read somewhere about a fat soluable version that works better but can't remember the name.
"Thiamine therapy for PD: BENFOTIAMINE versus SULBUTIAMINE
BENFOTIAMINE does NOT reach the brain--it is useless for PD.
Catlou, You are probably referring to either Benfotiamine or Sulbutiamine, two derivatives of Thiamine. It appears from the following research (published online in Medscape, April 15, 2017) that Benfotiamine has NO effect on the brain or, indeed, the central nervous system. (This was very disappointing to me since I recently started taking 150 mg/day of Benfotiamine for my PD. Oops, goofed again, no dice! I ought look into Sulbutiamine.)
Our results show that oral administration of benfotiamine leads to significant increases in thiamine, ThMP and ThDP levels in blood, liver but not in the brain. This difference is in agreement with the known pharmacological profile of benfotiamine, i.e. the beneficial effects of the drug concern peripheral tissues but not the central nervous system. Like disulfide derivatives, benfotiamine may be useful for the treatment of acute peripheral syndromes of thiamine deficiency because it is better absorbed than thiamine, but in contrast to sulbutiamine, it seems to be devoid of specific effects on brain function. On the other hand, sulbutiamine should be much more efficient than benfotiamine in the treatment of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Physico-chemical data as well as studies with isolated cells strongly suggest that, in contrast to disulfide derivatives, benfotiamine is not a lipophilic compound and is unable to diffuse through cell membranes unless it is first dephosphorylated by ecto-alkaline phosphatases. Finally, it seems important to us that, because of different chemical, metabolic and pharmacological properties, a clear distinction should be made between lipophilic thiamine disulfides (derived from allithiamine) and S-acyl derivatives such as benfotiamine."
Edit on 11/1/17-Re SULBUTIAMINE: As just pointed out by Silvestrov in
according to a Google patent, Sulbutiamine has proven effective for improving cognition and reducing fatigue of PD patients, But what dose? From the patent application: "The dosage varies according to the age and the weight of the patient, the administration route, the nature of the therapeutic indication and of the associated treatments, and ranges from 400 mg to 800 mg per day orally."
Benfotiamine and Allithiamine
I'm writing from Italy. My Association met Costantini (2014) and we tried to collaborate with him (we live in the same city) in his research on B1 and PD but was impossibile due to the way of work of dr Costantini. For the same reason, in Italy, Costantini's studies didn't obtain a good evaluation of the neurologists. Two years ago we started an independent research conducted as active patients. We published a summary of the results - this week we add a translated version in english - also it contains some indications given us directly from dr Costantini. The english link is :
It isn't an official scientific research, but in Italy B1 was demonized, neurologists didn't gave us answers so we researched by ourself to understand and to answer to the simple question : "B1 could improve the parky's quality of life" ?
The main mistake was to talk about a "cure" for PD by high dosage of B1 ...
"What is the best way to integrate Vitamin B1?
Biovea B1 in tablets of 500 mgs (no prescription required – “over the counter”)
Normally the medication regimen consists of one tablet per day for the first month…..
As a general rule the initial minimum dose administered for the cure of diverse neurodegenerative disorders consists of two vials of 100 mg per week or 4 grams per day to be taken by mouth."
What is the dose recommended, long term?

The most of the partecipants are on 1 Biovea B1 500 mgs per day for 1 month, 1 month stop and so on. It's better to check the thiamine emo value before start and after 1st month. The main idea is to get the thiamine level between the medium and the higher suggested value.
*** It is highly recommended to consult with a nutritionist who has had extensive experience in advising patients with PD ***
Just finished reading entirely and want to say thank you my Italian friend. Be well and keep being kind and helpful.
In the group...nutritionist who has had extensive experience in advising patients with PD ...please comment.
Oral Allithiamine
Since most people would not have easy access to thiamine injections, an alternative is oral allithiamine. It achieves the same concentrations (and cellular activity) through oral administration as IV or IM thiamine Hcl. So, oral allithiamine at a dose of just 100mg twice a week should be able to replicate the results of this study.
"...Oral administration of lipid-soluble allithiamines [thiamine propyl disulfide (TPD) and thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTHF)] rapidly increased thiamine activity in whole blood, red blood cells, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine in normal and thiamine-deficient subjects. These thiamine congeners also restored red blood cell transketolase to normal in alcoholics with thiamine deficiency. Such repletion equaled that produced by parenteral, water-soluble thiamine hydrochloride (THCl) or thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). Oral administration of water-soluble thiamines (THCl, TPP) neither elevated thiamine activity in biological fluids nor restored transketolase activity to normal in alcoholics with thiamine deficiency presumably due to their rate-limited intestinal transport. Oral administration of TPD eliminated lateral rectus palsy in patients with Wernicke's encephalopathy. Orally administered allithiamine vitamers are therefore recommended for prophylaxis and treatment of thiamine deficits because while having essentially the same biological properties as parenterally administered water-soluble thiamines they have not produced any untoward effects after long-term administration and are far more efficiently utilized."
I just discovered that plain old thiamine Hcl achieves the same bioavailability as the fat-soluble thiamines provided you take it for at least 7 days. So, taking 300mg oral thiamine Hcl for a week will achieve the same blood levels as taking 300mg allithiamine. All thiamines may give you bad smell due to the sulfur they contain. So, use at your own risk but I think it is a small price to pay given the benefits.
Thiamine Hcl, NOW Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) 100 mg,100 Tablets
I find those using B1 for Hashimotos can also get into trouble if B6 and mag are not sufficient.
Thiamine Mononitrate
Thiamine mononitrate is synthetic and has the potential to illicit mild to severe allergic reactions.
The nitrates present in thiamine mononitrate may accumulate in the kidneys and induce kidney stones or cellular death.
Thiamine mononitrate is in the B vitamin group and is water soluble. Because of this, thiamine is not stored by the body after consumption.
The WeAreParky study (as followup to Dr. Costantini's B1 findings) is
appreciated! In several of his B1 studies, many patients' initial lab
data indicated within-normal range values for peripheral thiamine and
yet manifested a positive response to high-dose thiamine therapy. For
example, "The levels of thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate in the blood
were normal." (1) Yet your new-data summary states that most
participants had suboptimal initial levels of peripheral thiamine: "We
have found that people with PD seldom have optimal values of vitamin B1,
particularly in people who are over the age of fifty." (2) Why the
difference? Perhaps a matter of word meanings? (eg, "normal" versus
seldom have optimal). Regardless, keep up the good work.