- here is an interesting homepage about it. I plan to first test 1mg / week for a few months... It should also stop the aging process!
What do you think about "Rapamycin" - Cure Parkinson's
What do you think about "Rapamycin"

But this is fruit fly and mouse models
Summary: The anti-aging drug Rapamycin only prolongs the lifespan of females according to research using fruit fly and mouse models. Rapamycin increased autophagy in female intestinal cells, but not in males. Findings suggest biological sex may be a crucial factor in the effectiveness of anti-aging drugs. neurosciencenews.com/female....
Did you visit the site referenced rapamycintherapy.com
If you did you will find the following -
I was in an early stage of heart failure with shortness of breath on walking up hills. After 3 months of weekly rapamycin, I had an excellent clinical respons
Based on my experience, I decided to open a rapamycin-based medical practice.
Patient Number Two (2) was April 2017…The current number of patients treated with weekly rapamycin is now past 1,000.
Allan S Green - MD
Your response has my head spinning 😵💫
This article offers an in depth analysis of rapamycin
here’s a good link. rapamycin.news/t/what-is-th...
Not mentioned here, but it appears that it may increase risk of skin cancer. We’re already at higher risk, so that’s something to consider.
Hope you are noting improvement