Five days ago, my husband stopped taking sublingual B1. His head has been foggy and his balance had been getting progressively worse for many months, falling to the side weekly of late and of course we put it down to his PD getting worse.
We have been trying to get the ‘right dose’ of thiamine for 4 years. Dr C had started him off on thiamine HCL, 1000 mgs daily and his constipation was resolved after 3 days, so we knew he was a responder.
Now getting back to why we changed over…I’m not sure really. I just felt the sublingual wasn’t working any more. (Please see the link below where Gcf51 and dadcor commented on their findings)
After 2 days on 1000 mgs of HCL, I noticed he wasn’t stumbling and he said he didn’t feel foggy in the head!!?? Could this be the HCL or just coincidental? Non-believers of B1 would say it’s the placebo effect. That night, he was kicking and thrashing around in his sleep, and he hadn’t done that for maybe a year. Hmm… so the sublingual B1 had kept that at bay. But also it could be the 1000 mgs of HCL was too much, so we cut that down to half yesterday and today and voila! Fingers crossed that this continues. Early days, I know.
Has anyone used the sublingual B1 as well as the HCL at the same time? Could they work on different symptoms? .
See post and comments by Gcf51 and comments by dadcor…