Does anyone know or have experience please?
Is lithium orotate good for PD? and schiz... - Cure Parkinson's
Is lithium orotate good for PD? and schizophrenia, depression etc. And not toxic?

You can have lithium levels in hair tested. I have NONE. I take 20 mg Lithium Orotate every day per Dr. Mischley's recommendations. It does help with anxiety.
I take 15 mg a day per the low dose in the trial:
It seems low dose lithium may be neuroprotective:
Lithium Orotate for Depression and more?
How Lithium Orotate treats the brain
Effects of Lithium Therapy on Blood-based Therapeutic Targets in Parkinson's Disease. (Trial in Buffalo):
I take 20mg a day
20 mg Elemental ? Thanks
beware hyperparathyroidism, even though it was low dose lithium, that Dr. Mischley recommended, my endocrinologist took me off it because of high PTH levels in blood
did you have low vitamin D? I believe that may also be a factor with high PTH. also, Dr Mischley recommends baseline hair sample and ideally every 1-2 yr re-check until levels stable. She notes that in some, depending on your geographical area, you may not need to supplement it
Can you tell me what do you mean by depending on your geographical area you may not need to supplement what ? Vitamin D or lithium? Thanks
lithium levels vary in soil in different regions
Thanks for the warning. How much did you take?
What is PTH? Thanks
parathyroid hormone level in blood, if high and calcium is high u could have hyperparathyroidism .
Is hyperparathyroidism same as hyperactive thyroid?
I have risk factors for hyperpara (my sister had it, i have osteoporosis and radiation t o head/neck) and I Thought if i had hyperpara, that might be related to my extreme fatigue. My D levels flucuate from 50-70, I know dr. M likes to keep D levels high (60-70), so I take 5000 IU's several times/week. I decided not to get surgery for hyperpara since I am borderline. My calcium levels aare high normal.
Is your calcium level high normal fixing the osteoporosis? Like improve your bone density?
I’ve bought lithium orotate but am hesitant of taking it because of the interactions with PD medications.
I don’t know how cautious one have to be. The interactions may be with other forms of lithium and at higher doses.
Safinamide (like Xadago) may lead to serotonin syndrome.
Entecspone, pramipexole and safinamide together with Lithium may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating.
I talked to my neurologist who was sceptic (surprice) but didn’t know much about lithium orotate.
How cautious do you think one should be with combining Lithium orotate with PD medication?
All the best