Anybody can classify which is good fruit for PD and which is bad.I m too much confused with results. Banana/Orange/water melon sometimes turns increases the effect & sometimes no effect.
Fruits bad/good for PD: Anybody can... - Cure Parkinson's
Fruits bad/good for PD

Congrats you are pretty good at listening to your body and making the conection to diet and symptom gradients. I had the same lightbulb go off about melons but it isn't always or only fruit. If you will notice it is the foods that are accompanied by increased urination, that is, the ones that have diuretic properties that increase your symptoms. That is presumably due to the activity of the kidneys flushing out the meds that you need to keep in your body. Stool softeners will do it also, for another example that flushes fluid out via the GI tract. Just watch out for anything food that causes fluid loss or excess exercise that may lead to dehydration and you will do well to experience those things in moderation or eliminate them completely.
Hi Zawy, To your knowledge, does Rasagiline have any side effects that would effect the heart. My husband has many heart issues, has a pace maker/defib to control irregular heart and also AFib which he recently added to the list. He is a senior and is now taking the levodopa combo which I just read has increased the death rate in PD patients. Have you read anything about this?
It was the only option given to my husband by his neurologist. I wonder why.
Hi Zawy,
I was very interested in your statement above as follows:
"remaining good levodopa-producing neurons sense too much levodopa (from the pills) and stop producing their own, losing their skill."
Do you have a reference link from the internet regarding the above? I would like to present this to my neurologist at my next visit later this month. I have been to two neurologists and neither of them consider any other alternative other than synthetic medication. Neither will discuss a natural treatment such as mucuna pruriens which is very rich in natural levodopa.
Thanks Zawy for your reply. I will research further. Far too many side effects with the synthetics. I appreciate your help and knowledge.
All the best ...