I'm feeling sad we lost a young friend to suicide, and my heart hurts. I've used ashwaganda before but I think it takes a bit to help, PD makes my emotions more sensitive, I'm sure the low dopamine is a factor. I have low blood pressure and I didn't know it can cause low blood pressure, I've never notice ashwaganda effecting it. I've used lemon balm Tincture very calming, but Can't take with muscle relaxant, which I use sometimes. Thank you, Maria 🌺
Suggestions on natural herbs or vitamins ... - Cure Parkinson's
Suggestions on natural herbs or vitamins to boost your mood?

I'm sorry about your friend. My suggestion is SAM-e (S-Adenosyl Methionine) 500 mg once a day with food. Clear Formulas SAM-e 500mg 90 Capsules (S-Adenosyl Methionine) a.co/d/dBvFAK1SAM-e has other benefits besides mood and can help with cognition.
Peace 🕊️
I'm sorry for you loss.
sorry to hear about your loss.
Have you tried rhodiola rosea? It can boost mood and energy. Check any interactions first though.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you find more light and joy soon. I would just say to check any interaction with PD meds before taking anything.
I’m so sorry for your loss 😞
Homeopathic Ignatia Amara It is good for grief and stress. It wont interact with your meds, and should work rather quickly. Try it a couple times a day until you start feeling better, then only as needed.