I have no answers. Just questions. Questions about Sulforaphane, NAC, and their effects on the Circadian Rhythm.I recently stopped taking my Broccoli Sprout Tea as it boosts NRF2, and boosting NRF2 may amplify the Circadian Rhythm, but if you want to amplify the Circadian Rhythm you probably want to boost it at the correct time (you don't want to boost it on the down-stroke). I don't know when the natural peak in NRF2 is supposed to be, and I don't know how long from ingesting Broccoli Sprout Tea before the NRF2 gets boosted. I know, in mice, there is a 12 hour lag between boosting H2O2 and the NRF2 boosting. Also, the Sulforaphane boost of NRF2 may last days, so what is the effect of 36-48 hours of elevated NRF2? See "NRF2 regulates core and stabilizing circadian clock loops, coupling redox and timekeeping in Mus musculus" ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/a...
So... while researching this NRF2 issue (in the same article) tonight I found this gem: "Reinforcement of circadian amplitude, following the addition of H2O2, could be blocked in the presence of an antioxidant (N-acetylcysteine; NAC) (Figure 4D), suggesting that oxidation was indeed the relevant signal responsible for the reinforcement of circadian amplitude. Interestingly, treatment with NAC alone resulted in significantly decreased rhythm amplitude and period length, suggesting that endogenous oxidative signals (Sies, 2017) may play a role in the maintenance of circadian timekeeping."
What I am reading (with my High School education) is: H2O2. Peroxide. Oxidation. May be part of the natural control of the Circadian Rhythm. And if you tamp down H2O2 with NAC, you "significantly decreased rhythm amplitude and period length". This does not sound good. I take NAC. I just ordered 10 more bottles.
- Maybe I should not take NAC? Or maybe I need to time my NAC? When is the best time to dampen H2O2 and how long from NAC ingestion to H2O2 dampening?
I apologize. If you take away only one thing from this, it is: I only have a High School degree. There is a good chance I am way off base here.