Broccoli Sprout Beverage can clear Acrolein - Cure Parkinson's

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Broccoli Sprout Beverage can clear Acrolein

Bolt_Upright profile image
12 Replies

I am doing a deep dive on the benefits of Broccoli Sprouts and/or Sulforaphane. There seem to be a lot of benefits, so I am posting on them one benefit at a time. As I post more information, I will add the new information to a master document on Broccoli Sprouts - Sulforaphane so we end up with a cohesive whole. The cumulative information page is here: rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...

The first benefit of Broccoli Sprouts and/or Sulforaphane is that a trial showed that a Broccoli Sprout Beverage can clear Acrolein (at least exogenous acrolein). Here is the study: Rapid and Sustainable Detoxication of Airborne Pollutants by Broccoli Sprout Beverage: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial in China 2014

This post I wrote is long with a lot of formatting, so please go to my blog to read the whole article: rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...

I will just cut to my conclusions here:

Acrolein can be created endogenously within our cells and promote the build-up of a protein called alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra.

Some doctors believe that Acrolein is a “key factor” in the development of PD.

Acrolein can also be created in the gut and “trigger immune and inflammatory responses, such as the increased expression of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), or IL-8, contributing to endoplasmic reticulum stress. Moreover, acrolein decreased barrier function and increased permeability, potentially due to the downregulation of tight junction proteins ZO-1, occludin, and claudin-1.

If all this is happening in my gut, having my 40 grams of Broccoli Sprouts every morning seems like a good idea.

The “40 grams” number come from another report I read that 40 grams was the minimum effective dose of Broccoli Sprouts.

We can also be exposed to Acrolein through pollution.

Broccoli Sprouts - Sulforaphane can clear Acrolein from the body and protect cells from the damage Acrolein can do.

It makes sense to me, David Farris, to keep eating at least 40 grams of Broccoli Sprouts every morning to clear Acrolein from my body and to protect cells from from the damage Acrolein can do.

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Bolt_Upright profile image
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12 Replies
Lizzy9 profile image

Hello Bolt ~ Just wondering how long have you been eating the 40 grams of Broccoli Sprouts? And here's the million $$ Question ~ Can you tell if it's helping you in any way?

Thank you for all your research and information about Broccoli Sprouts. You have really given information for adding B.Sprouts to our daily regime!! So I guess I will get on the Broccoli Sprout bandwagon today and quit procrastinating!!

Thank you and have a fabulous day!!!

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Lizzy9

Hello Lizzy, sorry for the delayed reply. I was sorting out my annual health care enrollment.

I need to keep better track of things, but Amazon has come to the rescue:

I started with freeze dried broccoli sprouts in September 21:

Not 40 grams, just a scoop. I still like having this stuff available in case I goof up on my sprouting and run short of sprouts. I look at the freeze dried stuff as hamburger helper to bridge the gap.

Then in Feb 22 I started sprouting. I was having a smaller bowls at first, but it looks like about June 1st 2022 I figured out the 40 gram dose (I took a picture of it) :)

Is it helping? So...

First off: I have not been diagnosed with Parkinson's. I have REM Sleep Behavior Disorder which my doctor said would lead to PD. And I have a sore left shoulder and left leg and neck stiffness and random involuntary movements and seborrheic dermatitis orthostatic hypotension. I would also lose my balance frequently.

Secondly, I have a pretty big stack of things I try: rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...

Is something helping? I think something is helping:

When I started this journey in April of 21 I was having RBD evens about 1 out of 3 nights. I was falling out of bed, yelling, throwing pillows, and hitting the wall. Not a lot, but those things were on the menu. We feared for my cat's safety in bed with me. My 90 day average of events is now at 16%. The evens are much milder. No falling out of bed or punching walls or throwing things. I'll move slightly and maybe say a word. My cat sleeps in the crook of my arm.

My should pain used to go all the way down my arm. Now it is just in the shoulder and not all the time. My neck is still stiff, but better than it used to be. My random movements are way down. I don't usually get dizzy when I stand anymore and I don't lose my balance when I lean over anymore.

The worst people to take PD advice from is people in their honeymoon phase. A lot of times these people seem to have everything figured out, Five years later you find out they did not have it figured out.

The best people to experiment with for PD treatments are people in the honeymoon phase. Theoretically they have suffered less damage and if an intervention can stop progression, maybe the damage will heal over time. This can provide evidence for people further down the path that just because a protocol is not reversing symptoms, maybe it is stopping progression and stopping progression is the fist step in the long game.

I think I am better than I was a year ago. I'm not sure why, but I think it is something or some combination of things in my stack that are helping.

Lizzy9 profile image
Lizzy9 in reply to Bolt_Upright

Hello Bolt ~ Thank you so much for your detailed and well explained answer and links!! Now I am definitely interested in the Binaural Beats stuff.

After reading your post I have started sprouting Broccoli seeds. I have huge confidence int he benefits of, not just broccoli sprouts (which is at the top of my list), but sprouts in general. I am not real good at this sprouting thing, which is not new to me. I keep forgetting to rinse them off in the evening. However they are in a dark cupboard that is cold since it's on an exterior wall. They look good and are starting to sprout!!👏

Even though I have no idea what is helping my HwP, I continue to try everything because I don't really know what is and what is not helping. So onward and forward we go....

So the broccoli sprouts will be a constant addition to our diet because I don't think it will hurt and may actually help (a lot!).

Again, thank you for your great response in sharing your experience and your links!! Also, thank you for the motivation to get the sprouts going!!!!

Have a fabulous day ~ And enjoy those sprouts!!!

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Lizzy9

You will be an expert sprouter in no time!

2 cups of Sprouts and Meatball and Half an Onion! Yum!

Microwave the meatball and onion with some hamburger grease, break it up, and pour it over the sprouts. It is my daily breakfast.

Sprouts and Meatball and Onions!
Lizzy9 profile image
Lizzy9 in reply to Bolt_Upright

That looks and sounds delicious!! Much better than green smoothies or eggs with chopped salad!!

I was going to say ~ no worries about taking some time to answer my original question.

Again ~ have a fabulous day!!!

Smittybear7 profile image

Where do you get the broccoli sprouts liquid? Can much of that be damaging? Could it possibly reverse Parkinson's? Thanks for sharing

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to Smittybear7

Hi Smittybear7,

The Broccoli Sprout beverage used in the trial is not commercially available. They do explain how they made it in the paper, , but it looks like a difficult to reproduce. Also, probably not necessary to reproduce it. My takeaway is they used Broccoli Sprouts and Daikon Radish.

Can Broccoli Sprouts be damaging? Some people probably think they can be damaging. We are in poorly charted waters. Please Google the hell out of the subject.

Could Broccoli Sprouts - Sulforaphane reverse PD? Sadly, PD has an impressive winning percentage. Me and my High School education just believe that some combination of protocols my stop progression, and if progression is stopped, maybe healing will happen over time. This is my complete stack (I need to include that I am gluten and lectin free): rbd-pd-protocols.blogspot.c...

Good luck and may God bless you.

PDWarrior1900 profile image

great post! as usual, bolt... what about adding a sulphoraphane supplement instead of eating the sprouts? today is day #258 of my O.M.A.D. diet (one meal a day eating within a 90 minute window) ... so it's easier for me to add to my stack of about '40' supplements (lol)

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to PDWarrior1900

Thanks for the compliment.

Those sulforaphane supplements are generally: Expensive, weak, and potentially useless. Most of them don't contain sulforaphane but instead contain the precursors that rely on your body having the enzymes required to create the sulforaphane. Some people's bodies don't have, or don't have enough of, the needed enzymes. Fresh sprouts also require that enzyme, but I read somewhere that over time, if you keep eating sprouts, you will get that enzyme (or maybe if you have the enzyme you will eventually have more of it).

The only broccoli sprout "supplement" I have any faith in is just freeze dried broccoli sprouts: . I use these to bridge a gap if I mess up and run out of sprouts.

I prefer to just eat the sprouts. I have about 2 cups in a bowl with a microwaved meatball and onions just about every day. It is cheap, fun, and saves me having to find other vegetables to eat.

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Bolt_Upright

that sounds delicious! ... i'm been really slacking off my exerise the last 2 months... i was biking to the beach... 15 miles round trip... took me about 3 hours on my semi-recumbent bike ... but really enjoyed the beach (and especially the 'bikinis') ...

i tried using my indoor exercise room (i have lots of equipment) -- but i can't seem to get sufficiently motivated...

anway ... bitch bitch bitch

life could be a helluvalotworse -- lol

Bolt_Upright profile image
Bolt_Upright in reply to PDWarrior1900

Maybe my YouTube exercise playlist will energize you?

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Bolt_Upright

thanks pal, i'll check it out...

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