It was a lot all at once but so far with the programming everything is going well. Definitely taking less meds.
I haven’t posted in a while, but wanted e... - Cure Parkinson's
I haven’t posted in a while, but wanted everyone to know I had my DBS surgery .

Good for you. It extended my husband's productive years by 10. He was able to keep his hobby building custom teardrop trailer in his big garage. I kept one to keep that part of our good memories fresh.
I'm glad you are doing very well after DBS. There has been so much scare stories with DBS so thank God for you. I pray it continues to go well for you
Did you opt for DBS because meds were no longer effective?
I calculated from your profile that you were 49 when you first had PD... have you managed to remain very active since
How much does DBS cost?
Grumpy 77, Yes, my meds were not working as well as before. I know there is scare stories out there but also as many good stories too. I was able to stay active as much as I could with some injury issues. How much DBS costs…. Insurance bills are still coming in lol. Karen
Congratulations, Karen! I was just thinking about you this morning and was thinking DBS was probably the reason we hadn't heard from you for awhile. Whenever you are ready to share more about your experience, we will look forward to hearing more from you. In the meantime, we will be cheering for you!
Thank you Jim. You are always so supportive. I’m not going to say this was easy, especially being awake for the placing of the leads in my brain. I was ready to “tap out” when they were doing the other side. I’d like to think I’m a pretty tough chick but it was hard. And then the placing of the device a few days later, which I was put to sleep for. I’ve always said the anesthesia is harder on me then the surgery itself and this one is no different. Taking a bit to recover. So far the programming of the device has been going well and I know it may take a few adjustments but I am definitely taking less meds. I know this may not be for everyone but so far, it’s going well. Karen ❤️
That is great news. Here’s hoping for even more improvement.
So pleased to hear it is going well, and now you are needing less meds. Good results.
So glad Karen! Thanks for posting. Looking forward to more positive reports!
Hi Kwinholt,
I was the DBS class of 2018….congrats on your new device!! Wishing you all the best.
Like your courage and wish you great success with your new toy. Hope it takes you back to pre-PD days mentally & physically.
As I inch closer to DBS, would love to know where you had it done, which surgeon did it and how you came up with those decisions....Only when you feel up to it of course
Hi Karen. Great to hear from you and glad you’re doing. well.
Very happy to hear Karen!
Thanks for sharing. Keep us updated on progress.Is it all under the skin?
Thanks for sharing. I hope you continue doing well plus!
were your symptoms mainly tremor . do you know if it can help falling issues
Wishing you continued healing and improvement with your DBS device. You are brave!