Anyone taking choline, Dr. Laura Mishley says choline will help the cardopa/levadopa more effective 30% to 50%, so we could lower our meds intake. Has anyone experienced this?
Choline : Anyone taking choline, Dr. Laura... - Cure Parkinson's
Yes. Been taking for quite a while. Definitely makes c/l more effective. Might even bring on little dyskinesia. Not troublesome though. IMHO excellent supplement.
I get dyskinesia from to much meds sometimes, I take 25/100 ×2 5 day, and 1. 50/200 night and 1. 25/100. to get tremors down so I can sleep, the slow release takes to long. Sometimes I'll do 1 half if getting dyskinesia during day and back on 2 later in day.
I take 3 Rytary at 0700. Excellent. Close to 100% normal.
12 and 5 - 1 tab c/l IR + 1 tab CR (sometimes with CDP. ) at 10:00 just 1 CR for sleep. I try to mimic Rytary. It’s Pretty close. If I take CDP very mild dyskinesia. But more effective.
D B1 B2 c e B1 magnesium fish oil coq10 ala carnatine . As recommended by my MDS and my Internist. Most do not take daily.
I recommend comparing Citicoline with choline. It is my opinion that Citicoline is better.
CitiCholine’s 1/2 life is quite long so if taken often and has a tendency to “stack”. So one must be careful with dosage. Google it.
Ive personally experienced this and dyskinesia has mildly occurred as in my case. That’s when I kick back a bit with Choline or C/L dosage.
What is the common dose of choline, recommended by Dr. Mishley ?
I made some brief notes when I took her summer PD class and now they don't make a lot of sense because they aren't exactly fully legible but here's what I wrote down.....
"Choline - take 2 or 3 & then 4.
within a month - dyskinesia
products 40% stronger"
This is my interpretation:
Start with 2 titrate up to 4 & within a month dyskinesia will improve. It is 40% stronger than anything else?
Hope this helps. 🥊