I tried to order from Syncolein.com but they would not ship to me in Canada. Does anyone have another recommendation for a good grade Mannitol in Canada? Thanks in advance!
Mannitol - recommendation for Canadians - Cure Parkinson's
Mannitol - recommendation for Canadians

You can ship to “Crossborderpickups.ca” , (Register with them first) who will bring it over the border, pay the duty and send it to you, - for a very modest price.. I bought an electric wheelchair, It was shipping free to US, or $500 to ship to Canada,. They brought it across for me, for about $40. There may be special problems for drugs.
I am not endorsing Mannitol, or this company
have you tried bulksupplements.com ?
I have bought from Qualifirst. It's expensive.
Hi,I bought mine from Mannitol Balance. Not a cheap shipping option 😕
I use Pure Bulk. Not sure about Canadian shipping. They are a good place to buy from. Worth checking out.
I use Mannitol Balance - non GMO - produced in France but distributed by US company. I buy it off of Amazon.
Have you tried Biofinest? They operate and ship out of Oregon and their Mannitol is manufactured in the USA. Most other sellers import from China and you are paying a premium for no reason.
I bought some from Amazon about a year ago. I am also taking ambroxol. It can be bought mail order , from a pharmacy in Germany.