The research group is selecting 48 Parkinson’s patients with abnormal gut bacteria for the study. The participants will either receive a stool transplant from a healthy donor or placebo therapy.
Fecal transplant therapy for Parkinson's ... - Cure Parkinson's
Fecal transplant therapy for Parkinson's patients

Interesting that the article states that 30% of cases are genetic. Most sources say closer to 10%. PD cases anticipated to double by 2040. As the number of cases grows the urgency for research will hopefully grow in proportion.

Id say the number is increasing as more relevant mutations are discovered. Not that long ago that they thought it was closer to zero percent.
Interesting. The fact that PD is not broken down in to subtypes by now is disappointing. Finally that is at least discussed to some extent. Bio markers is a start but with so many different manifestations, more differentiation is needed.

Yeah - I’ve seen 10-15% as a commonly reported statistic for genetic incidence.
I’m hoping this similar study will report soon
Thanks for providing this info! I had intended to look this up and report on this for the group. Cheers!