Lots of info on the internet, something that definitely makes sense to me. Anybody had it done?
Lots of info on the internet, something that definitely makes sense to me. Anybody had it done?
It makes sense to me also, I believe that it has been done in the UK with good results for Parkinson's people. It would be great to hear from someone who has had it done.
I worry about the number of commercial businesses which might set up to cash in on this idea. I agree it is a good avenue for investigation but who knows which other conditions might be present in the donor gut.
I tried several years back but no one does it in Virginia that I know of!!
I am going to try it in the next 6 months or so. I have a niece-in-law that agreed to donate. I am going to do an at- home fecal transplant because it is not FDA approved for PD yet. I will let you know when, how and what the results are.