Has anyone researched or used the Tesla bio healing devices?
Tesla bio healing devices : Has anyone... - Cure Parkinson's
Tesla bio healing devices

No, I had never heard of them, but they sound great. The bed is so expensive. If I knew it helped PD for sure I would definitely try it.
"Tesla Energy are 3-dimension longitudinal waves, also known as Scalar Waves or Scalar energy. They are the framework of quantum mechanics and non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) or referred to as standing energy or cosmic waves, or zero-point energies. Scalar waves are also called 'electromagnetic longitudinal waves"
My training is electrical engineering and physics and this is BS. It is a mishmash of sciencey sounding words conglomerated together that contradict each other and taken together mean nothing.
Thanks Park Bear! I heard about these devices yesterday and was getting very excited (early morning internet cruising) until I told my husband (voice of reason also with an electronics background). He scrutinized their website and pronounced it a sham. The portable “devices “ that sell for $600. US look like an ordinary paint can which you are cautioned not to open. I have been messaging with them and have asked to be put in contact with some of their clients. They have glowing “testimonials “ liberally scattered throughout all their communications. Of course, they can’t let anyone contact those people in the testimonials citing “privacy “ concerns. They say the can contains a “biological “ material. It must be horse pucky !
Tesla was one of the early Ozone scientists. He developed a generator that produces ozone mixed with oxygen. When connected to an oxygen tank it puts out 3% ozone. I used ozone in my veterinary practice for the past 4 years. As a treatment it was sometimes miraculous. The photo shows my setup. Oxygen goes in on the side of the generator and ozone comes out of a port on the top. There are bacteria that are resistant to all antibiotics. But they're easily killed with ozone. Ozone is an immune modulator. It activates 2,3 DPG the enzyme that melds oxygen to hemoglobin. It's been argued that most diseases are caused by poor oxygen levels in the affected organ. Whether that organ is the heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, whatever, it doesn't matter. And ozone can be injected IV or IM or infused into the body as an enema. Personally I've tried it all. For me one rectal infusion stops hemorrhoid pain for 6 to 7 days. Infusions are as effective as IV ozone for most conditions.
Thank you, I’ve heard positive feedback about ozone for Parkinson’s also
Ozone is great for some purposes. Not knocking it, nor Nikola Tesla for that matter.
I have looked into this patch and questioned friends and family for there opinion. Majority were all for it. We all think it might be a scam, but its not a drug and it does not interfear with my meds so what have I got to loose? Just $400 but what is that in the realm of things. I would rather put the money towards something that could possibly help me from all the falling I am doing then just waste it on something else. My body needs a break. So I ordered it on Wednesday night and now just waiting for it to arrive. Wish me luck.👍😀
I hope it helps and gives you some relief!😊🙏
It could be beneficial for you to make a separate post giving the details about your falling and soliciting suggestions from the group. I might have some ideas. There are many ways to fall so a description of what goes on when you fall would be helpful.