After reading the post on “why me” I wonder if one is a Parkinson’s type of personality or an Alzheimer’s type. A bit like the old type a or b for personality types cancer. This is entirely made up and has no scientific basis. Just an idea. Feel free to shoot it down🤣. What type are you?
A Parkinson’s type is conscientious, methodical, often technical , worries about things, plans, knows where everything is, goes over things/lists in their minds. Tends to get absorbed in activities and hobbies possibly to an excessive level. Introverted
An Alzheimer’s type is less organised, more go with the flow, more spontaneous, doesn't cogitate over what might happen or run through continuous lists in their heads, misplaces things and forgets to do things, easily distracted. Artist, flamboyant extraverted.
Not everyone will develop one or the other if brain stays healthy. Environmental things, diet and exercise, traumatic incidents may trigger the condition. Some may never develop the condition if eg cancer or heart disease develop first. If brain is damaged or starts to deteriorate these traits mean the person starts to develop either PD or Alzheimer’s.
What do you think?
If there is any basis to this theory might it be a good idea to develop a more carefree attitude. Throw caution to the wind. Try something new. Make yourself extraverted , artistic etc
Maybe if you try and reset more the other way you can come to a balanced position in the middle where you are careful but not too careful. Methodical but not obsessive etc.