In hwp walking exercise, we have utilized John Pepper's technique of being conscious of how to walk. He walks taller, straighter re: line; and has stopped the tremor that shows up occasionally. It does take practice to master the technique. He is building his strength to go further distances. It's winter here so outside is limited. Check out John Pepper from South Africa. John is a member of this site. A note for reading, I have just finished reading Dr. Norman Doidge's book The Brain's Way of Healing - I find hope in what I've read - there are numerous advances in healing the brain. One is about the PoNS therapy. PoNS refers to Portable Modulation Stimulator. A case was told about an 80 year old WWP who did this therapy. She could barely stand upright or walk when she first came in for the PoNS therapy - after the therapy she was standing upright and walking. The PoNS stimulates messages to the brain via the tongue. I found a clinic near us in Canada and we are willing to try it even though it will cost us money. It is a 14 week program, two weeks at the clinic twice a day for six days with evening practices at home. The remaining 12 weeks are done at home with your own PoNS. We will attend the clinic once a week to modify the program for HWP. As I mentioned HWP diagnosed in 2015; he is not on any medication ie. L/C - he tried L/C late last year and it caused worse symptons than he has. Exercise has and is his main effort to help his Parkinson's.
HWP is utilizing "fast walking" or "Consc... - Cure Parkinson's
HWP is utilizing "fast walking" or "Conscious Walking" ...

I don't know if I am allowed to respond to this article or not. My method of reversing Pd symptoms only involves learning how to concentrate on HOW WE WALK. In other words we have to consciously think about what our legs and arms are doing, when we walk. That is what our subconscious brain normally does, but it has been affected by the Pd and does not work properly anymore.I have had no problem learning how to concentrate on my movements, even though it may sound as if it is tiring, but it is not.
I’ve done several 4 mile walks while consciously correcting the PD shortfalls.
Once I aced it feeling strong from start to finish. Another time I started with tremor and shuffling but managed to finish much improved.
I primarily spin for the exertion but it doesn’t improve my gait like walking.
My hwp is feeling better and stronger each time he does the walking. We are encouraged by the strides he's making. When the tremor starts in his right arm/hand, he manages to stop it by straightening his hand. As no two people with parkinson's are the same, the exercise choice will be different for many. I can only hope that most will not let the Parkinson beat them by being discouraged. Exercise is the Prescription to improve their circumstances.
Have you read all my instructions on how to get the best results from fast walking? If not, then contact me at and I will help you, free of charge.
Hello John - yes we have, my hwp has read your book and we have watched the videos. As I mentioned it is winter in Canada and days outside are limited. I will send you a video of his walking. Hwp is building his strength as this Pandemic here with our second lockdown and it has been physically draining. Will be in touch via email soon.
Focusing on "HOW WE WALK" could also a form of meditation. Traditional meditation is focusing on the breath but it doesn't have to be. When I took meditation seminars 'walking meditation' was a big part of the class.
Yes, when we learn to concentrate on our actions instead of leaving everything to our subconscious to deal with, we can overcome most Pd movement symptoms. If you want to know more and want to see my videos then send ,me your email address to
I do NOT recommend a swimming Meditation, very relaxing, TOO relaxing... Don't ask.
For some reason you keep running into a concrete wall.
Sounds like a sink or swim option - not planning any swimming any time.
Hi there I’m interested in the Pons method. I live in Vancouver BC and I’m wondering if this clinic is near me. Do you have any links or information you can share?
I googled for clinics near me specifically naming PoNS. It does cost money that is not covered by Provincial Health in Ontario. What I read in the book it have positive effect.