Du we know what is causing anemia
Is there a connection between parkinson a... - Cure Parkinson's
Is there a connection between parkinson and anemi and if so , is there anything we can do with it.

As it happens I was just reading up on the connection between anemia and multiple system atrophy (MSA). It seems that proper autonomic function is needed for the production of erythropoietin (EPO) and people with MSA have been found to be anemic and EPO deficient. The anemia contributes to orthostatic hypotension, as heme binds to nitric oxide and regulates its levels in blood vessels.
This study found anemia and EPO deficiency in MSA, but not PD - but perhaps the results would be different if they had tested a group of people with PD with autonomic dysfunction/orthostatic hypotension:
Lactoferrin increases EPO production; Wim Hof's breath training technique can also increase EPO levels. I'm not making a recommendation to try either option - that's just what I've learned so far.
Absolutely yes - connections exist before and after PD diagnosis.
and many more studies..
However, caution is recommended than simply supplementing iron since you may not detox it properly and the excess is harmful.
What I suggest you to try is to get a good blood pressure monitor. I personally like the one made by Omron. Monitor your blood pressure regularly and note any spikes and dips. It's a good idea to first monitor your normal bp variations throughout a day. If you're hypertentive or suffer bp fluctuations, this could get a bit tricky while also experiencing anemia.
However, more commonly if experiencing hypotension, dizziness, palpitation/weakness, or blurred vision, or even restless leg syndrome/hypnic jerk, try the following and monitor your BP before and after for efficacy and correlation:
Drink extra water (possibly with electrolytes or sodium if low bp). Salty pickles also help with low BP at night as to adding sea salt in water that may cause excess urination. If high BP, try supplementing taurine and potassium.
Supplement zinc (both iron and zinc are needed to build RBC), possibly with Quercetin
Try eating heme-iron & zinc rich foods such as liver, beef, etc. Levodopa also depletes Tyrosine (precursor of catecholamines/dopamine), so be careful especially if you tend to avoid meat/protein or vegetarian - can lead to hypothyroidism (worsen anemia) and further NT imbalance in CNS.
Supplement sublingual B12 - this may sometimes show an immediate huge effect as can be verified by a BP monitor
Supplement folate (be sure you're not deficient in b12 first)- you could have MTHFR genetic mutation resulting in deficiency - take BP before and after to verify the effect
Avoid drinking too much coffee or other diuretics & alcohol- tends to deplete minerals such as potassium, magnesium, etc. For example, an excessive loss of potassium or deficiency can contribute to both high and low BP (when combined with low chloride).
Exercise - helps tremendously to normalize many important hormones, including that of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the adrenals/erythropoietin (EPO). Breathing exercises (including breath holds) or other adrenal stimulating exercises such as Qi Gong may be effective for increasing EPO that increases RBC.
D3 supplementation and/or sunshine exposure - normalize PTH and blood calcium level that affects bp and anemia.
Instead of my longer explanation, this basic video of other common causes should be understood. Getting the CBC and other relevant blood tests are highly recommended.
and also visit
Yes we know several causes of anemia.
But I think you have it backwards. High serum iron, Ferritin, seems more related to Parkinson's. Google Parkinson's and Haemachromatosis
Not necessarily backwards, but it certainly complicates the issue as mentioned above, especially for PWP suffering anemia. Studies showing accumulation of iron deposits in the PD brain may be due to aberrant iron metabolism or blocked detox pathway (possibly zinc or b6 deficiency) contributing to pro-oxidant stress.
I have a direct interest in this as my Ferritin level is over 1,000 (n <200). I am having monthly phlebotomy to reduce the iron level, though there is no evidence that this will help the Parkinson’s
I would try supplementing Zinc, along with p5p.
Thanks for all the good answers.
I've had PD for 15 years no and the Sinemet 25mg/100mg taken 6 times a day has kept the on / off at a distance. I have raised the doses to 7 times a day with 2 hours between each dose.
(one and a half tablet gives total 10,5 tablets pr day).
I am struggeling with understanding whats going on with my PD.
One exspert is telling me I have to take more sinemet and another is telling me I take to mutch.
I have been seing a hartspesialist to find out what is causing my low bloodpresure and he said it is the sinemet that is causing this.
Pressure migth drop to 70/70-96 and its not good at all. Almost blackout
What i dont understand is that taking more sinmeth doesnt raise the problem more than it is. The good part of this blodpressure storey is that i dont have to take medisin against high bloodpressure but it starts to be complikated when jou try to adjust one parameter and it affects the other one.
What also seems to be a new problem for me is that ON /OFF has been a problem.
This starts with breath frekvens is going up (hyperventilation) and the troth feels like i cant breefe.
To avoid this problem I have redused medication time between the doses from 3 hour to 2 hour.
I feel so alone with this problems and I dont trust my doctors.
They have been wrong so many times no so...
The latest problem i Anemia.
My regular doctor doesn't see this i connection with PD ( he didn't se the connection between low bloodpressure and PD eigther so I feel very lost)
The figures he gave me was a dropp from 1400 to 1200 (I dont understand this numbers) whitsh according to him was in the beginning af the anemia scale.
I am 65 years old no and have lost weigth (down to 58 Kg) and my higth is 1,75 meter.
I really dont know wath to do next.