A very interesting debate is going on in the below twitter thread.
There is no Parkinson disease, but people... - Cure Parkinson's
There is no Parkinson disease, but people with it. Each is a different puzzle.

PD doesn't fill the description of A disease, as if is different in each person. Where a disease follows essentially a set route to become evident, PD is just affecting young and old, in any way it sees fit. I do believe that it's a syndrome and after actually reading Dr James Parkinson's book on the shaking palsy, I believe that current methods to work or treat PD are in need of serious review
Arent all diseases different in each person? I dont think ive ever heard anyone describe any condition as being identical in every person that suffers it.
I do think that eventually, PD will be stratified into a larger number of better defined conditions, but i think its going to take significant advancements in technology before we get there.
@kevowpd, ya think?🙃🦖🦕😢 For the past 4500 years the Ayurvedic Medicine folks in India have been using levodopa to treat Parkinson's . It's still the same medicine that gives us a life worth living. Today, it is made in the laboratory. For 4500 years it has grown in the wild and is now being farmed. The only advancement in technology I see is the manufacturing process 🤣😪.
What am I missing?
I know youre being funny, but would you not count DBS, FUS, stem cell implants and gene mutation discovery as improvements in tech?
As good as im sure life as a PwP was in 2500bc india, i am glad i was not around to guinea pig their version of invasive brain surgery.
@kevowpd, impressive. You do know your world history! I am curious as to how they administered anesthesia. Or maybe, they just clenched their teeth with a piece of wood in between after a chug of brandy just like Clint Eastwood in those Hollywood westerns after getting shot😂. You are right. I am being lighthearted. The medical advances you mentioned are impressive. But I am more interested in better medications. As long as oral medications work for me, I am inclined to exhaust those options first. However, those new medications need to come faster. Meanwhile, my MDS continues to push the DBS "advanced technology" option.
Fair call mate, however you know say the Aids virus (just to make things complicated by adding the term virus I to the mix) it will typically be a generally same tracking path of destruction with minimal deviance.
You take PD whilst it's got fundamental similar symptoms that maybe shared amongst those who (us 😪) share in the disease, some of the symptoms will not be shared or replicated as generally the same way.
I'm going on a limb here and I might be lonely on my own, but my hypothesis is that this condition is a reaction to a pretty serious change In our body's environment, it might be heavy stress, it could be repeated knocks on the head it could be just doing your job just working with heavy metal based chemicals or having them being showered upon you.
Every one of us has a story before we were diagnosed and i guarante that they vary greatly, where as say the Aids virus we are familiar with the causation being thru transmission of bodily fluids via multiple ways to do it, once again a generally set course for causation.
With PD we slapped with the word idiopathic aka we're to lazy to help you out with finding out the actual reasons, I'm just thinking out loud but there's more, based on the reading I have been doing.
My driving force for this is to help us out overall