I consider sleep every bit as important as nutrition and exercise. I’m now getting 7 to 8 hours without getting up. This has made a huge difference in how tired I feel as well as my overall attitude and motivation.
Intermittent fasting. This likely will not work for everyone, but I suspect it’ll work for many.
I recently resumed intermittent fasting and on the 4th day of fasting, I slept through the whole night.
6.20 min Dr. Berg video. (I like his videos because they’re all between 5 and 6 minutes and while he does sell supplements, he does not mention them in most of his videos.)
Fasting by itself may not do it. If not, there are many other natural “bladder hygiene” remedies. I practice a few these, as well. YouTube videos & scientific literature all say pretty much the same thing.
2 mins.
8.33 mins.
11 mins.
Sleep hygiene, eliminate foods that irritate the bladder, such as caffeine, tomato based food, acidic and carbonated beverages (diet soda,) alcohol, sugar, and real spicy foods. Treat sleep apnea & diabetes, strengthen the pelvic floor (kegel exercises,) manage constipation, “bladder training” -- pee at scheduled intervals (I do this) and stop drinking 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.
I have another suggestion. Try not to age.